Fights and hurts.

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Harry- once again there were more rumours of Harry with Taylor, or Caroline, or some other bimbo and you were starting to believe them. Harry came threw the door and you walked up to him. "So where were you?" You ask. "With the boys...." He says confused. "Really? Cause look once again.... Harry styles cheating with Taylor? Ex lovers or what?!" You shout in his face throwing the magazine at him. "What so you're going to believe that!?" He retorted. "Well it comes up in nearly every fucking magazine so yeah I am! And considering there are pictured!" You scream in his face. Suddenly you stumble. "What!? Don't you know that they are old you stupid bitch!?" He yelled. But you just ran past him. You opened the door and ran to the car. You got in and locked it so he couldn't get in. You drove to Niall's.

Liam- you went to Louis' for his birthday and the boys started to drink. You had work in the morning, and you reminded Liam so that he wouldn't drink to much. You were standing with Louis just sipping a cruiser when Niall came up to you both and handed Liam a beer. "I'm having one babe okay" he said. "Okay" you say resting your head on his shoulder. "Oi Liam come play beer pong!!" Harry yelled while pulling Liam not giving his a choice. "Now throw!" He said and zayn threw a Ping pong ball and it landed in his cup. He drank it and threw his ball. It missed........ After about 5 minutes, Liam had drunk 5 cups of beer and was a little tipsy. "Babe can we go?" You ask. "Fuck off I'm playing" he says not looking at you. "Liam" you say a little hurt. "Would you fuck off and let me have a good time with my mates!?" He said raising his voice yet still didn't look at you. Eleanor looked at you shocked. A tear rolled down your face. "I'm leaving" you say but he didn't even respond. You grabbed his keys and left.

Louis- Louis was having a full on week. On Monday he had 3 interviews, Tuesday he had a signing, Wednesday had a concert, Thursday had a dress rehearsal, Friday had a promo thing, Saturday he had his movie premier and today was his day off. "Hey love, can you get me a cup of tea?" He asked as he stepped out of the shower. "Yeah okay" you say and you leave the room. As you're boiling the kettle, you get side tracked by your phone and text your best friend. "Omg (Y/N)! I ask you to do one bloody thing and you can't even manage that. I've had a busy week, and you do jack shit, but you still manage to stuff the simplest tasks up!" He yells taking the kettle off the stove. "I'm sorry. I just got a little side tracked Lou" you say. "Don't fucking give me sweet talk. I'm tired, and all I wanted was a fucking tea. You're so fucking useless!" He screams. "Well if I'm useless, then I'll just get out of here and you can do things yourself!" You scream back and with that you headed over to Liam's to vent.

Zayn- you were clubbing with the boys after their premier of this is us. You were sitting with Liam since he was the one who wasn't drinking tonight's you weren't really in the mood for drinking. You were talking about their new album when Liam's face dropped. You looked where he was looking and he was buying another girl a drink while his hand was resting on her arse. Liam took your hand and walked you to the car which Paul was standing by. "Take her home" Liam said and Paul let you into the car. As soon as you got home, you locked yourself in the bathroom and got out a bottle of pills, but then Liam busted through the door and took you to his house for the night.

Niall- "I.... I'm hooooommmmmeeeee" Niall slurred. This was about the third time he came home drunk. Like seriously, he has come home drunk 5 times this week alone. "Babe! Why were you drinking?" You ask. "I just wanted to have a break with the boys" he said and he went to kiss you. "Niall you drunk" you say and pushed him back. He grabbed your arms and pinned you against to wall. "Don't push me away when I'm trying to kiss you" he said and kissed you forcefully. You pushed him back again and he just looked at you. "What did I say?" He growled. "Okay one. Your drunk and two just do to bed" you say trying to stay calm. "No! If I want to kiss my girlfriend, I will bloody well kiss my girlfriend!" He yelled and pushed you against the wall again, but this time you hit your head in the wall. You slid down the wall holding your head and started crying. That's when Louis came in. "Niall is eve- omg (Y/N)! Niall what did you do! Fuck you're so drunk you hit her!!" He yelled and picked you up. "Where are you taking her?!" He yelled "away from you while your drunk! Go to bed man. I'm taking her to mine, you're just too drunk"

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