He wants you to stay

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Harry- (boyfriend and girlfriend)

after your day out with Harry, you knew you would have to go home so you can go to work the next day. You walked through the door and Harry picked you up. "Can you stay the night?" He asks. "I have work in the morning" you say with no spirit. "You can call in sick" he said kissing your cheek. "Harry you know I can't lie to my boss" you say again tilting you head to the side. "Then I'll tell him." He says. "You won't give up will you?" You ask. "Nope" he says popping the p.

Liam- (bf and gf)

you were watching a movie and as it ended you looked at Liam to see he was asleep with his head in your lap. You quietly turned the tv off and lifted his head and rested it on a pillow. You gathered your things and kissed his head and then his hand grabbed yours. "Stay the night. It's late and I don't want you to go" he says not looking at you but still holding your hand. "Only if we go to the bed" you say and he stands up and you both walk off the bed.

Louis- (bf and gf)

after a concert, the boys dropped you two off and you went inside to get something to eat. "So what time do you want me gone by?" You ask. He just looks at you with a face that looks confused and hurt. "What?" He asked. "What time do I have to leave?" You ask again. "Love you don't have to leave. You can stay the night, and the next, and the next, and when ever you want." He said and hugged you tight. "Really?" You ask. "Of corse. I love having you here" he said and kissed you sweetly.

Zayn- (best friends)

zayn asked you to come over because he was sick. When you got there, you made soup, tea, got some DVDs, and medicine for him to take. You walked up stairs with the things he needed and he was asleep. You put down the things and woke him up. "Have soup and medicine zayn" you said and slowly sat up. "Not now. Can you just sleep here with me?" He asked. "Of corse" you say.... When you woke up at was 10:30pm. "Crap" you said quietly. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked. "It's 10:30. I've gotta go." You say to him. "Stay the night" he says. You just look at him. "If I get worse, you'll already be here, no need for me to get up and hurt myself" he stated. "Fine" you say and go back to sleep with zayns arms around you.

Niall- (best friends)

the boys were over all day and so were you. You all played video games, watched movies, played pool, and are food. But when it started to get dark, the boys left, leaving you and Niall alone, and you were laying with your head on Niall's lap and were watching a movie together. "Hey (Y/N), do you wanna stay tonight?" He asked. "If you want me to" you say concentrating on the movie. "Of corse I want you too. Why would I ask" he said laughing lightly. "Okay, but where will I sleep?" You ask. "With me if you want" he said. "I'd love to" you said and continue watching the movie.

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