Your on your period.

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Harry- "fuck off! You're always in my way!!! Piss off!" You yell clutching your stomach. "Ouch.... That hurt... But... Umm do you want some ice cream, maybe chocolate, marshmallows, are all three?" He asked. "Yes!" You say looking hopeful. "Fine apologise for what you said to me" he said putting his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry haz, you know I'm in pain and please..... I'm kinda craving chicken as well." You say. "I'll be back soon" he said kissing your head. "Oh and gummy bears" you say holding his hand.

Liam- "you need anything else?" He asked rubbing your belly. "Just cuddles and chocolate and toy story" you say closing your eyes slowly. When he doesn't answer you say "please li" and he says "that's better. Be right back. Time to hunt for good chocolate" he says and kisses your lips and belly.

Louis- he tries to be funny to make you laugh, but it hurts you so you end up yelling at him. He buys you chocolate, rents sappy romance movies and cuddles you when ever you need. He also invites the boys over to sing to you since you love it.

Zayn- when your on your period he will give you space. He will try and buy you the things you need but ends up calling your mum to find out. He will buy you movies, chocolate, pop corn, ice cream and give you belly rubs. He knows how to treat you because you tell him.

Niall- he just cuddles you. Since he is well known for his Horan hugs, he will always use it to his advantage and hug and cuddle you. He tickles your belly and runs you hot baths to calm you down. But on bad periods he will call your sister to come talk or just to cuddle since you are twins.

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