How he kisses you

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Harry- you stand on your tippy toes trying to reach his lips because he likes to tease you. You are a lot shorter than him and he makes you reach. But when he is satisfied enough, he will lean down, lightly put his hands on either side of your face and kiss you softly, which almost always leads to other things,

Liam- he likes to be gentle and rough. It really depends on his mood. Sometimes he will lightly brush his lips against yours, then leave a light kiss, and sometimes he will have you against the wall, pushing his crutch into yours, making you want him and roughly kiss your lips, exploring your mouth with his tongue.

Louis- he is playful. So he will come up behind you and hug your and kiss your neck and then sway back and forth for a bit, resting his hands either on your stomach or your hips. Then he will slowly turn your around and stare into your eyes and sometimes look at you lips. When you least expect it, he will kiss you then walk away but not before hitting your but with a light tap.

Zayn- he is passionate. He will slowly take light slow kisses and say cute things like "you're beautiful" or "perfect". He is cheesy but you love it, because it makes you feel special. He will sometimes kiss you and make you catch your breath after but you love it because it is with someone you love.

Niall- he is a crazy mofo. You never know when he is going to kiss you, tackle you and tickle you, or just hug you, or all three. Sometimes when you are in the shower, he will come in fully clothed and kiss you and leave. Maybe even when you come home he will say "sup babe" hug you, kiss you and the watch TV. But sometimes when he is bored, and he is with the boys, when he is in the middle of a sentence, he will put his hand up, and just kiss you and then continue, so really there is no telling what he will do.

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