2. Men of Virtues

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Shima was giddy beyond reason. He should be furious and he knows it but deep down in his chest he feels the feeling of accomplishment. He knows where Yukio is and he hadn't even had to look hard. He should have been furious that another man had his hands on his things.

Yukio belonged to him and that was final.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?"

Shima hadn't even noticed he was putting on such a face until his father said something. The corners of his mouth were beginning to hurt now that he was grinning so hard.

"Nothing. Just thinking of a master plan, Pops."

"And by master plan do you mean to get that boy back in your bed?"

Shima's grin grew and his father shook his head. Shima was always up to something one way or another. "Just make sure you don't kill Gray's son."


"I don't intend on losing business endeavors just because this liar has snaked his way into your affections, Russell."

Russell stared blankly at his father, bored with the lecture that he was receiving. His father was in his old age anyway. Once he was dead, Russell would terminate all of his business connections and build a better company from the foundation that his father would leave.

"My honey ain't no liar, old chap. In fact I think you're so pissy because you're just lonely. Go buy a hooker and get laid, why don't you?"

The older man's face turned beet red and his hands shook in annoyance. He wanted to smack Russell, but in his old age he just didn't have the strength. "You...you are an idiot, Russell."

Russell shrugged, standing from his seat and stretching as best he could in the restrictions of his suit. "Right. Well the apple don't fall too far from the tree all the time, you old bloke." He laughed, patting his father on the shoulder and making his was out of the office.

Outside, Yukio was shifting awkwardly as he waited for Russell to come down the corridor. He knew that whatever his father wanted to say about him wasn't anything nice and it always made him self-conscious.

Not to mention that he was extremely afraid of Shima lurking around in the shadows. He wasn't sure if what the pinkette wanted with him, but he believed that his intentions were somewhat along the lines of "kill every witness" and that just wasn't on Yukio's agenda.

"Ready babe?"


Russell backed away in surprise as Yukio nearly jumped clean out of his skin. "Whoa there, calm down. It's just me." he assured him aloud. Yukio looked up at Russell and nodded his head, more to himself than to Russell. His hand went out and struck Russell on his shoulder, a pout making itself apparent on his face.


"Don't sneak up on me, you dick!"


Rin was exhausted, probably more than he should have been. With Ryu working longer shifts (with the championships coming along and all) Rin was forced to watch the twins by himself at night.

Shiro just happened to had been sick with a cold that day, so Rin had to call in to work and stay home to care for his children.

"Renji, honey, don't put that in your mouth. Aimi, stop chewing your shoes!"

Renji began to vigorously crawl away from Rin, ducking underneath the dining room table. Rin fell to his bottom in exasperation, running his hands through his hair. He wanted to cry so much but he realized how silly it would be if he shed tears everytime his children did something that...well...a child would do.

"Ren, sweetie, please don't make this any harder for mommy than it already is."

Ai, seeing how much her father was struggling, coaxed her brother from beneath the table and sat down in front of Rin, holding her brother still with he tiny arms. Rin smiled and scooped the twins up in his arms to hug them.

"Look at my baby being a big girl!"

Ai giggled and hugged her dad around his neck.


Bon felt guilty.

But not guilty enough to make him stop what he was doing apparently.

He leaned back in his office chair, letting out a deep sigh of content as he relished in the peaceful silence. He hadn't felt this peace in his own home lately, not with the twins practically running the place.

It was never quiet until Rin finally coaxed the children into slumber late at night and by then Rin would pass out in bed from exhaustion, so Bon could never enjoy his married life with the ravenette.

So he lied about working late in order to get a few hours of silence.

It's not that he didn't love his family or his kids. He just needed a break is all. Especially since he and Rin hadn't had sex in God knows how long.

"Well look at you Mr. Coach. If this is working late on the job then I need to apply."

Bon leaned forward in his seat, watching Kinzo stick his head in the door. The blonde allowed himself in, sitting on Bon's desk once the door was shut behind him.

"Things not going well with the Miss?"

"Those twins are a real handful." was Bon's response as he leaned back in his chair again. It was a bit ironic how the blonde had went through so much trouble to give Ryuji those heartwarming speeches only for him to neglect the one good thing he had going for himself at the moment.

Other than being rich and going down as a legend in the TCU quarterback Hall of Fame.

"You look mad as hell. When is the last time you got laid, man?"

"Few weeks ago? I mean I went without sex the majority of Rin's pregnancy so I assumed once we were settled that sex would be a giving but nope. Blue balls every time."

Kinzo let out a laugh.

"Maybe he got bored of your dick."

"Ha! As fucking if."

"You're bragging but you haven't even used it in how long?"

"Unless you're gonna get on your knees and suck it, I don't see the point in talking about my dick."

Bon laughed, joking of course, until Kinzo was suddenly between his legs and reaching for his belt buckle. Bon's laugh turned into a scream as he jumped up, knocking the chair over and nearly tripping over it.

"I was JOKING, dude! What the actual fuck?! I'm married!"

"And obviously not satisfied if you're hiding in your office. Besides, I'm curious. It'll be one time and our secret, I promise."

He reached for Ryuji's buckle again, managing to pop the belt open and yank his slacks down his hips a bit before Bon's hand came down to smack Kinzo's greedy hands away.

"I have kids!"

"And you also have needs. Its not like I'm asking you to fuck me, I just wanna blow you one time. What harm could it do?"

Against his will, Ryuji was starting to become aroused. Kinzo's words were like a sinful melody. What harm would it do, he repeated to himself.

And Bon did feel guilty.

But not guilty enough to stop what he was doing.

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