9. Redemption

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Shima couldn't be more confused to see Yukio standing at the door of his hotel room. It was even more confusing when he saw the huge bruise on the side of the brunette's face. He was silent, staring at the floor and refusing to make eye contact with Shima.

"As glad as I am to see you standing here--"


He looked up for the first time in twenty minutes.

"Don't go getting any ideas. I'm only here...because I'm ready to go back to Japan. I miss my family, it has nothing to do with you." Yukio said in a stern tone. Shine raised his brow, pausing a moment in order to choose his next few words as carefully as he could.

"So are you going to pretend that someone didn't bitch slap a bruise onto your face?"

Well, that didn't come out like he planned.

Yukio flinched at the mention of his unpleasant wound, subconsciously ghosting over it with his hand. Russell's guilty face kept flashing through his mind as his fingers brushed it.

He wanted to leave now.

"Are you going to take me back to Japan or not?"

"Are you going to tell me what happened to your face?"

Frustrasted, Yukio threw his hands into the air. "Fine! Yes, just let me in already!" Shima moved to let Yukio through, taking his bag from him and walking him to the couch. The bag hit the floor with a loud "thud" and Shima plopped down onto the sofa next to him.

"Tell me what happened, Yuki."

"I was mugged on the way here."

Shima narrowed his eyes, noticing the way that Yukio was avoiding his gaze.

"He hit you."


"And that's why you want to go home. He's the opposite of what you wanted him to be."

More silence.

"I'll make sure you get home, Yukio. I'll send you back first thing tomorrow morning. Promise."

A sigh of relief left Yukio, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. "Thanks, Shima." It wasn't long after before Shima left Yukio to sleep on the sofa.


Bon sat on the edge of the bed silently, fidgeting with wristwatch every few seconds and avoiding the burning blue gaze that watched him from the door. He was extremely nervous and although it sounded ridiculous, he felt like he was back in high school waiting in the headmaster's office.


"...Yes, dear?"

"I'm sure you know why I've called you here."

No, he did not.

Rin crossed the room in a few quick strides, taking a seat in the chair in the corner so that he could have Suguro's full attention.

"I'm sure you've heard about the incident between Kinzou and I."

Bon gave him a slow nod, peering up at the bluenette but never looking him full in the face. He could hear Rin huff out a sigh of exasperation. "As good as that felt, he said something that made a lot of sense. He didn't owe me that loyalty. YOU did. As my husband and the father of my children. He didn't force you. You chose to betray me."

Fuck, this was not going to end well. That's all that Bon could manage to process. Rin wouldn't forgive him.

"Speak, Ryuji. I know that you hear me talking to you."

"Sorry---I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt you." Bon stammered out, still fiddling around with his watch. There was a long pause and Rin looked around expectantly for a moment before making a hand movement that suggested that Bon carry on with his words.

"I...I am very sorry. As much as I know that it won't change anything...that it doesn't mean anything to you...I truly am sorry, Rin."

Rin took a moment to consider it before he stood up, stretching his arms over his head.

"I slept with Amaimon."

Bon's eyes widened and he froze. Did he hear that corrctly?

"You...you did what?"

"I had sex. With Amaimon."

Bon's hands were shaking, his blood boiling in his veins. He wanted to hit something. He wanted to yell. He felt so betrayed. He could feel his heart shattering and even though he planned to remain calm, his voice betrayed him as it cracked and strained in his attempt to keep his tears at bay.

"O-okay. I deserved that...but, Rin---"

Rin reached into the desk drawer next to him and pulled out a small document, which he took a moment to scribble something down on. Signing it, maybe?

Bon suddenly felt his blood run cold.

Divorce papers.

Rin looked up, double taking at the pitiful look of pure agony on his husband's face. He reached over, handing the papers to Bon who had begun to frantically wipe the tears from his face.

"Rin, please---"

"Just sign on the line. There's not much to talk about at this point. This is the only way to fix this."

Shakily, Bon raised the pen and did his best to sign his name on the dotted line. It hurt more than any pain he had ever felt in his life.

Once he finished, Rin took the papers away and put them back into the desk drawer. "Good. Counseling starts Monday. If you're late or you choose not to show, we're done."



"Marriage counseling. If this works out...you can come home."

So Rin wanted to work this out! Bon felt a smile pull at his lips, a hand subconsciously making a way to his aching chest. "Baby, I'll beat you there."

"What did you think those were? Divorce papers?" Rin rolled his eyes at Bon's nod and made his way towards the door. He had to get Bon out of there before he felt the urge to kiss him. "Alright, get out. I'll see you Monday."

Bon complied, sliding past Rin in the doorway and headed downstairs.

"Oh, and Bon?"

Suguro paused.

"I didn't actually have sex with Amaimon."

"...I needed to hear that, thank you."

And with that, he made sure to kiss his children on his way out.


Yukio frowned as he stood at the departure gate.

"You're sending me alone?"

Shima adjusted the bandage on Yukio's face and pet his head, earning a smack to the hand from the feisty brunette. "I told ya, I've gotta finish up some business stuff here in Europe. I've already arranged to have someone pick you up and take you to Rin's. I'll be home in a few days, honey."

Yukio scoffed. He certainly hoped that Shima didn't think this meant they were back together.

"Fine, whatever." he agreed, turning to board the plane back to Japan.

"Call me when you get settled!"

Yukio flipped him off in response, holding it until he was sure that Shima couldn't see him anymore.

But somewhere, some place deep in his heart, he was relieved.

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