12. Bond

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A/N: Above photo is Ling.

The hotel that Rin had been put up at was fairly fancy with all of its new renovations. Bon was told that the place had 4 stars and he'd rather that Rin be comfortable in his days away from home. Rin was surprised at how well Bon seemed to be taking it all, but he knew that the thought of Rin seeing other people riled him up.

Not in a good way.

"If you need anything---anything at all---you call me, okay?"

Rin rolled his eyes. "I think I can handle a couple of dates on my own. Who knows, I might even manage to get laid by someone who actually finds me attractive."

A cruel joke, but this was a punishment after all. Rin planned on sending him photos with his dates and maybe even making out a little with the bag boy to get under his skin. He had no intentions on sleeping with anyone who wasn't his husband.

How faithful of him.

Bon twitched at the mention of sex. The thought of some back-alley assholes running a train on his Rin made him want to strangle someone. He couldn't tell whether or not Rin was joking, so he could only pray that the raven was playing some sort or cruel joke on him.

"I deserved that." He said through gritted teeth, awkwardly standing outside of the car. Rin shook his head at him, patting him on the shoulder as the bag boy came to grab his things. "You're a good sport." He said, turning and making his way into the hotel. Bon watched him until he couldn't see him anymore, turning to glance at the toddlers in his backseat.

"We've got this, right guys? Shouldn't be too hard without mommy."

He sighed, making his way to the driver's sighed before sinking down into the seat. How the fuck was he gonna get through the week?

"Daddy sad?"

Bon turned his eyes to the rearview mirror wear he could see his daughter eyeing him. She seemed genuinely concerned and it made him smile.

"No pumpkin, Daddy's okay. Let's go get you and your brother some lunch, yeah?"

Aimi grinned, clapping her tiny hands in excitement.


Russell couldn't prove it, but he knew that Renzo Shima had everything to do with the death of his father. It had something to do with Shizu, too. It had to be Shima's way of getting back at him for sleeping with the brunette. Although it seemed a bit extreme, the Yakuza were people who strongly believed in 'death over dishonor', and sometimes the 'death' part was them saying 'stay in your fucking lane'.

"Mr. Gray?"

Russell's gaze shot up from his desk, eyeing his new assistant with a glare. "This better be bloody good, Ereka." he grumbled. The woman couldn't have been older than twenty-one. She was tiny, but didn't seem to much intimidated by Russell, attitude, or his stature. She entered his office and shut the door behind her.

"I have information on Shizu Kaname a.k.a Yukio Okumura. His only involvement with the Yakuza is a previous relationship with the boss' son. He is currently living in one of the Shima residences in Japan. It would seem that Renzo Shima has succeeded in convincing him to go back with him."

And Russell didn't make it hard with how he smacked him about that day. What a selfish arsehole he was.

Selfish enough not to give him up so easily. Shima had bested him not once, but twice. He'd be a fool to let him win a third time.

"As far as news on the old man's passing?"

"I'm awaiting responses from senior officers on the case, sir."

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