17. Endless

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A/N: Just a warning, y'all. It's bout to get smutty.

"I said fuck him. Go on and do it."

There was a long pause at the other end of the line and more shuffling.

"Am I being punked?"

"Not at all."

"...Are you on drugs?"


"Bon, if you're planning on killing yourself---"

"What the fu---NO! Dammit, just fuck him before I change my mind okay? Consider this my redemption. After this week we're even. I've learned my lesson but it's only fair if you do the same and get back at me. Don't try to talk me out of it cause I've made up my mind. Okay?"


"Okay. I love you, sweetie."

"I love you, too. Not too many sweets for the kids, okay?"

"Sure, honey. Bye bye."

Bon felt pretty ballsy about what he just did, even if the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach was nagging at him. He kept telling himself it was for his marriage.

God, he hoped like hell this didn't backfire.


Shima took Yukio to some hotel on the uppity side of town by his request, not really sure of why they needed to be there. Their home was 100 times nicer than this place and if he wanted fancy food, they could call up the chef and have him cook something.

"Why do you wanna go to this place, hon? Don't tell me it's about that pompous piece of shit." he asked, referring to Russell. Yukio looked over at him. "No, Ren. I'm meeting my brother here for lunch; he's been staying here for the last few days." He said.

Best leave out the fact that Rin was the one who had told him about Russell. Shima hadn't ask so he surely wouldn't tell or else Shima may not allow him to visit his twin.

"Oh ya, I heard about that."

Yukio didn't ask, simply because he was sure that Rin would tell him soon enough.

"Come get me in 2 hours?"

"Sure thing, hon. Have fun."


Shiemi woke up that morning to an empty bed. She didn't think anything of it considering that Izumo would be gone before the sun rose more often than not to get to work. She rose from the bed, took a shower, and readied herself for class.

She made her way to the kitchen after grabbing her bag, intent on grabbing and apple on her wait out.

Who is that...?

Oh God, no...


A blonde man in a suit was sitting at the kitchen table. He seemed rather annoyed, a bloody bump forming in his forehead. Izumo was tied up and unconscious on the cold kitchen tile. She must have bopped him one to the noggin before he got to her.

"Listen here, lovely. I don't wanna have to hurt you. I just need for you to come along quietly and all will be well with you and your lady friend." he said. He could see Shiemi's eyes dart towards the kitchen knives and he sighed. "I'm getting very impatient, doll. Please don't do what you're thinking, cause then I'd have to hurt you. We don't want that." he reiterated. Shiemi weighed her options.

She didn't have many.

"What do you want from us?"

He raised a brow at her. "From you, personally? Not a damn thing. But I know that you're the only way to lure out a certain Okumura."

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