11. 12 Days

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Bon felt a bit anxious as he sat on the leather couch, feeling the scrutinizing gaze of the doctor flicker about him. He noticed that the woman hadn't glanced over at Rin at all during the entirety of their visit.

"So, Mr. Ryuji, what...inspired you...to have an affair? Do you feel as though Rin is inadequate?" she asked, pushing the frame of her glasses up with her tiny fingers. Bon could feel his throat burning as she spoke. Did she have to say it like that?

"No! Jesus Christ, no. I didn't...I mean, I would never..."

"But you did. Do you mean to tell me that there isn't a reason?"

Boy, if Bon believed in hitting women he would have backhanded her by then.

"Rin was always busy and I'm a giant man-child who constantly seeks attention. Kinzo showed that to me and part of me enjoyed the feeling of it. I never felt any sort of romantic feelings for him and I regret ever letting myself fall into temptation. I fucked up. I get that. I'm here because I wanna fix it." Bon said. He definitely didn't come here for her criticism. With a smug attitude like that, he'd be surprised if any man wanted her.


"Rin, you told me that your husband had apologized. Did you accept the apology? How did the entire situation make you feel?" the shrink asked, leaning forward to give Rin an intense gaze. Rin let out a deep sigh, shrugging as he gathered his thoughts together.

"I didn't accept it because he didn't mean it."

"What? Rin, I---"

"Shut up Bon, I'm not talking to you."

Bon snapped his mouth shut, leaning back into the sofa in shame. "If you did something to someone you loved and you knew that it would hurt them and you STILL went through with it...you can't possibly be sorry for it. He was sorry that I found out, that's it." Rin pointed. Bon had to admit that Rin honestly had a point. In his defense, he had already made up his mind to quit his shenanigans before his skeletons fell out of the closet, but it didn't make his actions any less disgusting.

"However, he showed remorse for what he did. And in the past years that we've been together, he's been an excellent father and provider. He's not perfect---no one is---but he tries. If he's learned his lesson I may be able to forgive him."

"And do you think he's learned his lesson?"

Rin scoffed. "No. He thought we were gonna get a divorce and almost went into cardiac arrest. That's a good start. Still, he has to understand my value. He has to understand the pain of that betrayal that he put me through. He has to learn to appreciate me. Only then will he have learned and only then when he understand." he said. The doctor nodded, scribbling notes down on her clipboard. Bon felt his skin crawling at the anticipation of it all.

"What is that, what are you writing?"

"Notes, Mr. Ryuji. I've come to a conclusion."

"And what the fuck is that then, Doc?"

Rin reached over and smacked Bon's arm at his rudeness. The doctor gave him a tight lipped smile and put her pin down, crossing her legs and folding her arms in her lap.

"For the 12 days, Rin will see other people. You, Mr. Ryuji, you would be at home as keeper of the home and children."


To say the Shima was exhausted would be an understatement. He sighed as he tossed his coat onto the couch of his living room. He stretched his arms over his head to try and shake the stiffness in his limbs, but to no avail. He decided that a nice hot bath would probably be better suited for his aches.

He decided to strip himself of his clothing as he made his way to the bath, telling himself that housekeeping would clean up after him once they came in for their evening shift.


"Feeling like new money!"

Shima grinned to himself as he towel dried his rosy pink hair. Water dripped from his naked body and he made his way to the bedroom, swinging in all of his glory.

What he didn't expect was to see Yukio sitting on his bed when he walked in.

He paused in his tracks, locking eyes with the brunette. Yukio was the first to look away, embarrassed by the heat on his face.

"Jesus, could you at least try to be decent?" 

Shima chuckled, walking in and closing the door behind him. "Sorry sweetie, I didn't know that you'd be here. I was told that you had gone over to the Suguro's." He said, tossing his towel in a nearby laundry bin.

Yukio peaked at Shima from the corner of his eyes, noting how toned he had become. Scars peppered his fair skin and Lord, was he beautiful. The megane took a deep breath and forced his gaze to the floorboards as Shima took a seat next to him on the bed, not even bothering to cover himself. "It's not anything that you haven't already seen." he pointed. Yukio grunted, scooting a bit away from him. "Yes but I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you and you're making it quite difficult." he said. Shima raised a brow at him, chuckling to himself once more before grabbing a pillow to cover himself.

"Now, tell me what's on your mind baby doll."

"Please, don't call me that." Yukio shook his head, settling his thoughts as he turned to look Shima in the face. His cheeks burned a bright red as he took Shima's hands in his own, taking the pinkette completely by surprise.

"I forgive you for what you did and I think I'm still in love with you!" He said, rushing his words along as he felt his heart skip a beat. The silence that followed made him feel uneasy, but not more than the fact that Shima seemed to be frozen in his spot.

"I...I mean, don't get me wrong, you're a pompous and arrogant, egotistical, megalomaniacal asshole but what you did...you did to protect me. The fact that you were doing your work for the...the fucking Yakuza just so happened to come up and that was something that you were doing long before I came along and I guess it just hurt because I didn't know who I had fallen in love with and---"


Yukio realized that he was talking a lot. He cleared his throat, casting his gaze at the floor again. This was something that was hard for him to do. At the same time, Rin was right. What did Shima really do to hurt him besides lie? It was a fucking huge lie but still, Shima took the fall for a murder than Yukio committed. Was it part of his work? Maybe. Would Yukio ever get answers? Probably not.

"I just...I don't know who you really are and it's scary..."

Yukio's lip started to quiver as he struggled to hold back tears. This was pain that he allowed to build up since he left Japan. His heart couldn't take it anymore.

"Baby, baby, shhhhhh...shhh, come here." Shima shushed him, bringing him closer so that he could kiss the knuckles on each finger. "No, you're right. I did everything wrong and you deserve answers...just...I can't give them to you right this moment. I need you to trust me. I would never...EVER hurt you. Okay?"

Yukio nodded, albeit hesitantly, as Shima brushed his tears away with his thumb. "So does that mean you'll come back to me? You won't run away from me anymore?"

Yukio nodded, a tiny smile pulling at his lips. Shima didn't hesitate to crawl over Yukio and lock his lips in a kiss. Yukio didn't resist as the pinkette as his tongue pried his lips apart. The pillow landed on the floor, forgotten in all of the passion. Yukio's clothes were quickly discarded and it didn't take long before Shima was inside of him, lips and teeth scraping against the skin of his neck. Shima's arms around him made him feel as right as he could have ever been.

Yukio was whole again.

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