19. My Rock

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"You are such a slut, I hate you!"

Rin glared at his reflection in the mirror, feeling the urge to punch it. He really wasn't any better than Bon. Hell, if anything he was worse. He basically called his husband for permission to screw some kid he met at a hotel. He eagerly cheated on his husband because he couldn't control his hormones. He should have just packed up and left when he had a mind to.

His phone began to buzz on the counter next to him.

Ling was calling.

Rin contemplated picking up and decided not to since he had already been ignoring his texts all day. He should just block his number and leave...but...shit, the kid didn't deserve that. It was Rin who came onto him.

He reached over and picked it up.


"Are you alright? I've been trying to reach you all morning; you had me worried sick about you."

That was unexpected.

"I...I'm fine. Sorry. It's just---"

"You regret what happened yesterday and you think that it's best that we don't see each other anymore."

Well...yeah, actually. This kid was smart.

"I honestly should have known that this would happen. I should have denied your advances. As beautiful as I think you are and as attracted to you as I am, I should have valued our friendship more than a good fuck. Sorry that this happened. It was selfish of me and I didn't think at the moment it would ruin any chance I had of being friends with you."

Rin was at a loss for words. After all of that, Ling was blaming himself?

"Kid, it wasn't your fault."

"You know that isn't true. I knew that you found me attractive and I also knew that you were vulnerable after going through such a rough time with your husband. I also know that you love your husband and your children. I didn't want to come between that. It was never my intention to objectify you; I genuinely care about you. I just knew that...well, that may have been my only chance to be with you. So, I apologize. And I understand if you don't want to see me again."

Rin was trying to word together that it wasn't just Ling's fault. It was more his own fault than anything else. He own lust and selfishness. He hadn't felt this guilty since...

Well, ever.

"Ling, honey, listen to me."

"There's no way I'm letting you take the blame for this. I'd like to apologise to your husband, too, so please do send him my sincerest apologies."

Obviously there wasn't any point in arguing.

Rin smiled into the reciever, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah. Okay, then. How about we split it 50/50?"

"80/20? The 80 being me, of course."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, kiddo."

"Thanks. Guess this is a permanent goodbye, right? I can probably guess that you're leaving today."

Geez, he made it sound like Rin was dying.

"It's not goodbye, you moron. Just cause I'm going home doesn't mean I won't ever see you again." Rin said. He wouldn't make any promises, but at least this would put Ling's mind at ease. He heard a sigh of relief on the other end. He couldn't help but smile.

"I had fun being a rockstar with you, Ling."

"You'll always be a rockstar in my eyes, love. Take care until I see you again, yeah?"

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