38. Yama

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"You need to get rid of him."

The statement was directed at Shima as he sat at his desk, thumbing through files and tapping at his laptop. He was focused on whatever he was doing and probably not feeling up to sparing much attention to Yukio's whining.

"That's nice, Sweet Pea."

He hadn't even spared the brunette a glance.

"He's rude, he's brash, and he's vulgar. For Christ's sake, he's groped me and keeps talking about fucking me!"

"Oh yeah? Did you have fun?"

Yukio crossed his arms over his chest, annoyed that his fiance wasn't paying attention to him and that he was making it painfully obvious.

"He grabbed my dick."

"That's great, sweetie."

"Renzo, you're not even listening!"

The pinkette sighs and looks up, brows furrowed at Yukio's expression. "Baby Doll, I'm sure that he's just tryna push your buttons. Mugen's a weird guy but he's harmless. I promise." he assured him. This did nothing to deter Yukio's frown.

"He said he was gonna ask you if he could fuck me."

"Did he? Sounds like him."


"Jesus, babe, I don't see what the big deal is. He's just picking a fight with you. Ignore him, he'll cut it out." Shima said. Yukio didn't seem too convinced. "If he asks you to fuck me, are you gonna let him?"

"I can't let him do anything. That's up to you."

"Would you seriously give him permission?!"

"Honey..." Shima sighed. "I need to get this work done. Please? I promise I'll come talk with you as soon as I'm done---hey, wait a second! Where are you going?!"

"I don't know, Ren, maybe I'm gonna go let someone fuck me. It's not like I'll be getting any otherwise." 

Yukio stormed out, slamming the door to study as hard as he could to display his obvious discontent. Would it kill Shima to listen to him for five minutes? He'd been cooped in that goddamn study all day anyway!

The megane made his way to the kitchen, deciding he would get himself a snack to help quell his attitude.

Much to his dismay, there was already someone shuffling through their pantry.

"What in the hell are you doing here?"

Mugen turned to face Yukio, a bag of goldfish crackers clenched between his teeth. He took the bag out and pocketed it, continuing to rummage through the closet.

"Eating. By the way, yer outta pickles."

Yukio wanted to throw his shoe at him. It was like talking to a toddler.

"Why are you in my house? I don't need you here; I'm with my husband."

"I get paid fer 'round the cock service, doll." he said, pausing to give Yukio that trademark wolfish grin. "I mean clock."

"Of course you did. Get out. Go see a movie or something."

"Now how could I make an honest living by playin' on the job?"

They locked eyes for a moment in a stand-still and Yukio turned, deciding that arguing with Mugen wasn't going to help him. In fact, Mugen being in their home didn't help either since he was the cause of all of his frustration.

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