35. Green Gentleman

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A/N: Slight smut.

Yukio silently watched Shima sleep, brushing his thumb over the pinkette's pale skin. He noticed that Shima's brown hair was starting to grow out underneath his pink dye. He didn't understand why Shima wouldn't just let it grow. He felt like that darker color was very becoming of him. Of course, Shima had said that he wanted to be different. He and his brothers all looked alike: just like their father. Kinzo had already died his hair blonde and let his hair grow out, so why not choose pink? If he didn't die his hair, no one would be able to tell them apart.

It was kind of scary.

Yukio could see the stress lines on Shima's face too, which was unusual given how much he smiles. Maybe he just smiles for Yukio. Maybe he's used to smiling to deceive people. Isn't that what spies do?

It's always so difficult to tell what Shima is thinking...of what he's feeling. Even then Yukio knew that Shima must have been in pain, but every time he ran his fingers through Shima's hair...

He smiled.

"You haven't eaten yet." Konekomaru noted from the doorway. He had a sandwich and a bottle of water in his hand, reaching out to hand it to Yukio. The brunette took it gingerly, taking a sip of water but not bothering with the sandwich. Konekomaru let out a sigh.

"You know, starving yourself isn't gonna help him."

"...sorry. I'm just not hungry. Thank you, Miwa."

Konekomaru understood Yukio's worries. Shima had yet to do much as blink in days.

"Anytime. Wamu and Kinzo are outside if you need anything and I'll be back tomorrow."

Koneko waved as he made an exit, leaving Yukio with his own thoughts.


"Ling, are you hungry, baby?"

Rin didn't give Ling the chance to answer, sitting next to him and scooping some hot soup into a spoon. He blew on it a little, making sure it wouldn't burn him. "I made sure it wasn't too salty. I would have made you something solid but I know it's gonna hurt to chew."

Ling didn't argue. He just opened his mouth and allowed Rin to feed him. Bon had already left for work for the day, so there wasn't anyone to reign the older raven in with his smothering.

"Rin, sweetheart, this really isn't necessary." he insisted. It only earned him a sharp glance from Rin and another spoonful of soup. "You've got one functional arm at the moment. Explain to me how the fuck you're gonna eat on your own." he replied.

"You could sit the bowl on the table and let me scoop it on my own. I've still got one good arm."

"You'll spill it."


"This is not up for discussion, Ling Mao!"

Rin seemed to be getting upset, so Ling backed off. It's not that he wasn't enjoying being by spoiled and pampered by a cute little housewife like Rin. Or is it a househusband? Either way, Rin was super cute with his chubby little pregnant cheeks and it made Ling pretty much putty in his hands.

Once Ling finished his food, Rin wiped his face and took a brush from the bedside table, brushing Ling's hair as best he could.

"Your face is healing up nicely. You'll have a scar, but it's not that bad. If anything it'll add some ruggedness to that baby face of yours." Rin said, brushing his fingers lightly over Ling's face. The swelling had gone down and the bruises were nearly gone but, just as Rin said, he would have a running from his jaw to his cheek. It bummed him out at first, but after a while Ling figured that he would still be pretty hot.

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