48. Mockingbird

421 17 23

A/N: Car smut.

A loud horn from outside broke the silence, shaking Rin, Shiemi, and Yukio out of their thoughts. Rin looked down the hall from the couch, brows furrowed in confusion. Yukio's cell phone began to vibrate in his pocket and he rolled his eyes at the screen, answering with more annoyance than what was necessary.


"Would ya hurry yer ass, Four Eyes? 'M getting bored out here."

"Then come inside, you fucking moron!"

"Why didn't ya just lemme come in the first place?!"

"Because I hate you and you annoy me."

Yukio ends the call there, turning back to face his profoundly confused twin.

"Who was that?"

"My bodyguard."

Rin nodded, a sly smirk on his face. "The one you wanna fuck, right?" he pointed. Yukio's face twisted in embarrassment and he told his twin to shut up. He would have wiped that smarmy grin off of his face if he wasn't recovering.

"For your information, I no longer hold such desires."

Rin's eyes narrowed at him at the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed in the hallway.

"You fucked him already, didn't you?"

Yukio's expression gave him all of the answers that he needed. Rin's eyes widened and so did his grin.

"You did! You did fuck him! Holy shit, you're still fucking him aren't y---"

A couch pillow smacked the raven in the face and he howled out in laughter, slightly impressed at the shade of red that his brother's face had turned.

He caught sight of Mugen from the corner of his eye and decided he would ask for himself and Shiemi excused herself to the restroom to answer a call from Izumo, figuring it would be best for her girlfriend not to hear the ongoing conversation.

"So, Mugen, was my brother a good fuck?"


"I'm just curious! Shut up, I wanna know!"

Mugen seems confused for a moment, but then flashed that wolfish grin at the raven.

" 'S just say it's worth listening to his bitchin' whenever he ain't beggin' for more."

Yukio looked as if he was about to have an aneurysm, face beet red and mouth open as if he was appalled or horrified by the answer.

"I-I-I do not beg, how dare you!"

"Please fuck me, Mugen, I can't take it anymore! 's what ya sound like."

"Agh, I fucking hate you!"

"I ain't dabbin' yer piss behind my ears either, sweetheart."

Rin was having the time of his life watching them go back and forth. "How does Shima feel about this?" he asked, grinning at the promising bit of gossip that he was being offered. Yukio opened his mouth, only for Mugen to clap his hand down over it in favor of getting him more riled up.

"Ya see, 'm there little plaything. I get in this sweet ass 'n they both get there bones. Gotta tell ya, yer boy here is a real slut. He took two co---"

Yukio bit down on Mugen's hand and palmed him rather roughly in the face.

"Enough of that, you insufferable mutt! I should have made you stay in the car."

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