58. Easy

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Kyle hadn't known exactly what he had gotten himself into by inviting Shima to his hotel room. In fact, he hadn't know why the older man would confide in someone like him. They weren't close and---in fact---they hardly knew each other enough to be considered acquaintances. Yet, in his time of need, Renzo had reached out to him and it made his heart flutter that such a man had any interest at all to talk to him outside of work.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kyle, he is a married man. He has no interest in such a child like you." The teen said to himself, though he supposed his attempt at deflating the hopeful bubble in his chest was a bit half-hearted as he checked his reflection in the mirror. He made sure that his hair was neat and that there wasn't anything between his teeth. He took a shower and made sure he wore the most subtly  scented cologne that he owned.

A sudden knock from the door pulled him out of his thoughts and he brushed his hands over the tight blue tank top that he was wearing. He went to the door, staring through the peep hole to see that it was, in fact, Renzo Shima. He suddenly felt very naked and wondered if he should put on something other than those incredibly short shorts and that sleeveless top. He was beginning to feel...easy.

'That's because you are easy, you slut. Look at you with your arms and knees out like a whore.'

He moved to double back to his suitcase when the knocking continued at a more impatient pace this time. He could hear Shima's voice on the opposite side.


He sounded exhausted and probably didn't take kindly to being kept in waiting. The blonde quickly unlocked the door, hiding behind it as he peered out at the pinkette with a nervous smile.

"Please, come in. I'm terribly sorry for the wait."

Shima entered, pivoting to watch Kyle as he closed and locked the door behind him. The blonde casted his gaze down at the floor, cheeks burning as he felt the pinkette's honey brown eyes bear into him like claws.

"So then, Mr. Shima, what seems to be troubling you?" He said, looking up at him with a kind smile as to help him keep composure over himself. Shima paused for a moment, but didn't spear him any words as he stripped himself of his coat. He made his way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it with an unreadable expression etched onto his handsome face.

"I'd much rather listen to you talk than to hear myself complain about a shitty life that I've always had. Tell me, Kyle, how are you fairing?"

Kyle seemed to be taken back by that, blush rising to the tips of his ears.

"I...um...I'm well, I suppose. I do apologize; I was under the impression that you needed comforting so that's why I asked...and...um..."

Kyle could barely manage to keep his mind focused as Shima's eye roamed him, pausing to take in the sight that was Kyle's milky thighs. The blonde folded his arms over his chest and crossed his legs, feeling completely vulnerable to his colleague. If Shima kept it up, Kyle didn't know if he would be able to contain himself.

Shima closed his eyes with a hum, falling back against the mattress. "You're right. That is why I came here." He said. Kyle remained silent, unsure of he should say something or even what to say when Shima spoke again, his voice low.

"Did I interrupt you in the middle of dressing yourself?"

"Wha---no...I um...this is certainly embarrassing. These aren't my underwear, if that's what you were in implying. I'm sorry if I seem inappropriate; I'll cover myself right away."

Kyle moved to grab his suitcase when a large hand grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him backwards. He yelped, nearly toppling over into Shima, but he was able to catch his footing before he could embarrass himself further.

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