10. Turning Tables

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Yukio hadn't left Shima's house since he made it back to Japan a week prior. No one had known of his return...and honestly, he was grateful for that. He didn't know what to do with his life or how it would even be remotely fair to just throw himself back into everyone else's lives. He didn't know how much he had missed his dear brother until he was so close to him. He was tempted to reach out to the raven, and it took all of his strength to not go to his home. He knew that Shima had expected to, which is why he gave Yukio Rin's new address. He had even informed him of his father's return. Things had changed so much in his absence. Where did he even fit in?

"I shouldn't have come back here." he said to himself. He let out a heavy sigh. What were his options, really? Stay in Europe and force himself to be complacent in a borderline toxic relationship? He had grown a dependency on Russell, which why he had to leave. He was sure that even if he stayed in the city, Russell would find his way to him...and because Yukio was weak, he would allow him to.


The brunette hadn't even noticed Kinzo walk into the bedroom, cocking a curious brow in the twin's direction. "Christ, I feel like I'm looking at a ghost. Nobody's seen you in like ages, man." the faux blonde said, taking a seat next to him at the edge of the bed. "Which brings me to the question of why---no, how you ended up here in Ren's bedroom."

Yukio sat silently, not sure if he should answer at first. Knowing his luck, Kinzo would assume that he and Renzou were together again. Would that really be so terrible considering that would mean that he could hide out here for a couple of days without being thrown out?

"I could ask you the same. I thought you lived further into town?" he answered, deciding that it would be better to change the subject altogether. Kinzo shrugged, folding his arms behind his head. "I do, but I came to see if Ren had come back yet. He tell you when he would be home?" he asked. Yukio shrugged. "Said he would be here as soon as he could." he answered. The response seemed to be suffient enough for Kinzo; he pushed himself up from the bed and made his way for the door. "Alright. Well, holler if ya need anything. Ya know, from a phone or something." he said. Yukio nodded, not that Kinzo would see it. He was already gone.

"Guess I don't have a choice. I can't stay here forever."

Well, he probably could. He didn't want to though. That would mean that Shima had won.

"Guess I should pay Rin a visit..."


Russell kept a cool exterior as the youngest Shima son kicked his feet up on the Englishman's desk. The pinkette's request to have an audience with him had intrigued him, though he was certain that Shima had nothing but ill intentions in mind.

"Thanks for making time for me, Russell. I know it must have been difficult with how you've been forced to take your father's role. My condolences, by the way." Shima greeted, a smile playing at his lips. Russell grunted at him, a bit more than irritated with Shima's smugness. Russell's father dying within that week by "mysterious circumstances" had annoyed him enough. He could do without this smarmy little bastard.

"The hell do you want?" he spat, glaring at Shima with bloodshot eyes. The younger man grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just wanted to congratulate you before I left Japan. We hope to keep doing business in the future even in your father's absence." he said. Russell raised a brow at him. "Really now? That's it?"

Shima's grin faded, eyes dull with malice.

"Yes. I also want to make one thing very clear."

Shima was fast. Fast enough that Russell didn't see it coming when the pinkette took a freshly sharpened pencil from his desk and drove it into his hand. Russell held back a cry of pain in his throat. The pencil had gone all the way through.

"You will never set your disgusting hands on my Yukio ever again. Sleeping with him was enough of a transgression, but causing physical harm to him? I will not be so merciful the next time."

Shima stood from the chair, escorting himself out.

"Lovely doing business with you, Mister Gray!"


Yukio took a deep breath, finally gathering up the courage to knock on the door in front of him after standing there for twenty minutes. It only took a few seconds before he could hear the lock turning from the inside. The door opened, and he was met with the sight of Rin in a pair or sweats and a t-shirt, a baby at his hip. His hair had grown a little past his shoulders, Yukio noted, and he had gotten taller.

They stood there, staring at each other in awe before Rin stepped forward, wrapping his free arm around his little brother. Yukio quickly returned the gesture, making sure to include Aimi in the embrace as well. He could hear a sniffle come from Rin, but he was unsure of whether it from tears or from the harshness of the cold outside air.

Silently, Rin pulled away and wiped a few tears from his eyes. He stepped out of the way to let Yukio inside before closing the door behind him.


Yukio fiddled with the tea tag in his mug, blowing at the hot liquid before taking a sip. Rin had put both kids down for a nap, sitting across from Yukio at the kitchen table. Yukio took in how different it was from their childhood home. He supposed it would only be natural for Rin to have nice things in his home since he was married to a wealthy man. Only the best for their children.

Yukio wondered if he could ever have a life like that.

"I...how have you been...in Europe, I mean." Rin said, breaking the tense silence. Yukio shrugged. "It started out great. I met a guy, got a good job, lived in a flat." he said. Rin smiled, very interested in his brother's travels. "What kind of job did you have?" he asked.

"I worked for a Tech and Advertising company. Had it pretty sweet since I was dating the CEO's son."

He hadn't meant to let that part slip.

"Fancy! Did he come back with you? I wanna meet him. Was he hot?"

"God, he was sexy and rugged and kind and, Lord, he was a beast in bed...but he's not here. And I'm never going back to him."

Rin seemed confused at this. "Why not? Did something happen? A little argument is nothing, you guys can come back from that. It sounds like you really care about him."

Yukio took off his glasses, wiping away the makeup from his cheek bone to show Rin the bruise that had yet to leave. The raven's brows furrowed. "Yukio...he hurt, you?"

Yukio nodded. "Yeah. Renzo found me and Russell found out, but that's not what ticked him off. He just...snapped. It has to be my fault, Rin. Angel, Renzo, and Russell? I'm doing something wrong. And to make it worse, I slept with Renzo. I've been staying at his place, hiding like a coward because I didn't know what to do with me life---I have nowhere to go."

Rin shook his head, leaning forward to lightly brush his thumb against the bruise on his brother's cheek. "No, you're not doing anything wrong. Its not you, it's them. And honey, I think that you saw a little bit of Shima in this Russell. That's what made you stay. Except Shima didn't hit you. Shima would never have hit you. So Russell turned out to be another Angel instead of being able to fill that hole you had in your heart when you left."

"Are you saying that I should go back to Renzo? After what he did?"

"Yuki, I'm not saying that you should do anything. But ask yourself, could you have worked things out with Shima? Probably. If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it's probably fake. I'm not saying it justifies what Shima did. But I think it's time to stop running."

Wow. Rin of all people was giving Yukio life advice. Either Rin had really grown up or Yukio had really hit rock bottom.

And as much as he hated to admit it, Rin had a point.

It was time for Yukio to take control of his own life,

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