7. Solutions and Resolutions

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A/N: This is just a filler chapter. Drama will be uploaded tomorrow.

Shura decided to meet Rin at the bar that night, but she hadn't expected to find him drunk off his ass when she got there.

He was doing some weird combination of laughing and sobbing, nearly toppling over from the bar stool when he saw Shura walk in. He landed face first into her cleavage.

"The hell, Okumura?"

Rin pulled his face from her breast, giving her a grin that made her cringe. He was covered in tears and sweat...and probably snot now that she thought about it.

His eyes were red a bloodshot, bags underneath and a bed of unkept hair to boot.

"I'm a hot mess, right?" He did his best to stand up straight and Shura allow him to put his weight on her. "When was the last time you ate? I can see your ribs through your shirt." she pointed out.

He shrugged and she let out an exasperated sigh, ordering a burger from the front bar and setting him down on the bar stool again.

"I came to the house earlier looking for you and Shiro told me what happened. He also told me that you've been out drinking every night for the past two weeks."

"I'm fucking sad--"

"Your kids only see you a couple of hours out of the day, Rin. They're sad, too. It isn't fair to them. The only excuse Shiro can give them is that 'Daddy's sad'. What the actual fuck, man?"

That drove a stake right through Rin's heart. Shura was right. This was about more than just him.

But what was he supposed to do now?

"I don't know what to do." He said after a few moments. The waiter came and sat the burger down in front of him, scurrying away from the awkward silence as quickly as possible.

"You still love Suguro."

"What kind of question is that? Of course I still love him, that's my husband. Til death do us part and all that bullshit." Rin took a large, angy bite of his burger and Shura eyed him, thinking of any sort of way that she could help him.

"I just...I can't trust him and it's scary. For the first time in my life, he's lied to me. He's purposely hurt me."

"Rin, this is marriage. It will never be perfect. But he was totally wrong and you're right to have these feelings about him. You have two choices. You can walk away and get a divorce and co-parent. Or you could try to work it out."

Shura put a hand on the bluenette's shoulder. This was the best that she could do.

Rin snorted out a laugh and took another bite of his burger. "Of course I'm gonna work it out. I just need to get over the urge to punch him in his face with a fucking hole puncher every time I think about his stupid face."

Shura raised a brow and nudged his side jokingly. "Why not fight Kinzo instead?"

And just like that, a lightbulb went off in Rin's alcohol fogged mind.

"Oh my God, take me to Kinzo's right now."


"Duh, I wanna fight."


Yukio took a long drag from bong in front of him, inhaling the smoke of the cannabis before blowing it back out in clouds.

This is just what he needed.

It was hard to find a new supplier in London, but it turned out that a co-worker and good friend of his grew and sold it herself.

"Liz, this is the best shit everrrr." he laughed, passing the bong to her. She inhaled it and passed it back, choking a bit. "Bet your sweet arse it is." she coughed, fanning the smoke away in front of her.

"I never would have taken you to be the type to match up." she said. Yukio shrugged, leaning back against he couch.  "I was a total pothead back when I was in Japan. When I met Russell, I hadn't had an urge at all."

"Things not going well?"

"He's changed. Plus my ex showed up."

Liz choked up again, coughing a bit harder. "Why's the ex a problem?"

"He's fuckin crazy. Keeps trying to get me back. But...I had sex with him again."

"And did you feel anything?"

"Tch, yeah. Like a slut. But...from time to time I still think of him. Almost like I miss him." He blinked rapidly when he felt the sting of tears come up. Liz put the bong down on the table and laid a hand on his knee.

"Because you do."

"I love Russell."

"You similarities in them both, don't you? From where you first fell in love?"

Holy shit, she was right on the money.

She gave him a few heavy pats on the leg and reached for the bong again. "Everybody makes mistakes, lovely. Just clear your head and your answers will come soon enough."

God, he hoped so.

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