29. Ane-San

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A/N: Short filler chapter! Just want you guys to know that I appreciate your comments. Being on bed rest and all, I don't get a lot to smile about. I love you all!

Yukio stood damn near breathless in front of a brand new black Mercedes-Benz truck as it donned its big red bow.

"You like it? I bought it a few days ago and I figured you'd like it. Beats having to be driven around by a scrub like me, right?" Shima tried to add to the vehicles appeal, but Yukio just stood there like his jaw was broken.

"I...don't know what to say."

He should have known that something was up when Shima had pulled up at this warehouse of all places, but he never expected this.

Shima grinned, dangling the keys up in front of his lover. "Wanna take it for a spin?"

"Renzo, I don't even have a license."


Yukio blushed, feeling embarrassment ooze from his pores.

"I-I-I...don't know how to drive."

Shima saw the look of shame on Yukio's face and immediately put he keys away. "That's alright honey, I can teach you...okay? Would you like that?" he offered. Yukio nodded, still blushing. Shima sighed, walking around to the driver's side after opening the passenger door for Yukio. He climbed in, reaching over to close Yukio's door for him. He put the key in ignition, showing him which buttons did what, how to switch gears, and which pedal was the break or the acceleration. He pulled out of the warehouse, mentioning to the guard that he would be back to get his car later.

They drove around for a while, Shima explaining the do's and don'ts of traffic. Yukio figured it was simple enough.

"Kinda like riding a bike. Easy peasy."

"I've never ridden a bike before either."

"Jesus, what have you ridden then?"


Shima swerved a little at the comment, looking over at Yukio when he regained control of the car. Yukio was laughing, amused at the reaction he pulled. Shima reached over, playfully punching him in the shoulder. "Very funny, you little shit. Wouldn't have been laughing if I flipped the car."

"It could be."

A silence fell over them, and just as Shima was about to reach over to turn the radio on, Yukio spoke up.

"So...you're gonna be the Yakuza boss someday?"

"That's what it looks like. Possibly sooner than later. Don't worry, though, nothing bad is gonna happen." Shima assured Yukio. Yukio seemed to be having some sort of internal conflict with himself before he spoke again.

"I wanna be more involved."

Shima hit the breaks a bit roughly, causing Yukio to jerk forward and nearly smack his head against the globebox. The cars behind honked angrily. He gave Yukio an apologetic smile before pulling off again.

"Sorry, doll, I just wasn't expecting you to say that. Like...ever."


"I...what brought this on?"

"I don't like being left in the dark. Waking up in the middle of the night alone is scary, especially if I don't know where you are or what you're doing...or if you're okay. Even if it's something small...I wanna help."


"No, yeah. That's...that's good, babe. I'm glad that you're coming to terms with this. With...me."

"Yeah, well, gotta roll with the punches. Besides, I've killed a guy already so I should have what it takes, right?"

It was supposed to be a joke, but Shima didn't find it funny.

"Don't let me hear you say something like that again. I won't tolerate it. You will not be taking part in any such activities. Anything you'll be doing to help will be SAFE in any meaning of the word. Understood."


"Yes, father." Yukio said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He understood that Shima wanted to have him out of harm's way, but Yukio wasn't some delicate flower who couldn't handle himself.

Not physically, anyway.

He realized that he needed to work on his mental strength. He thought about seeing a therapist to work out his issues.

Shima opened the glove box and pulled out a 9mm gun...

Dressed in a red bow.

"This is yours. I'd feel better knowing that you were protected, so don't gimme any lip about it."

He wasn't gonna complain, but okay.

Shima handed the gun to Yukio and the brunette noted its weight in his hand. This...it made him feel safer just knowing that he had it. "We'll go to the Myo Dha shooting range sometime this week. Try not to hurt yourself."

"What am I, twelve?"

"Don't start." Shima sighed, pulling over at a gas station. "I'm gonna grab something to drink. You want anything?"

"Some dick."

Shima threw his phone at Yukio as the megane began to laugh at him.

"You keep on tempting me and I'm gonna give you what you're asking for."

"Yeah, yeah, go get your stupid drink."

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