44. Baby Daddy

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A/N: Very short.

Rin poked at his enlarged breasts, hissing at the soreness. They weren't massive like Shura's. Hell they weren't even Kamiki's size but they still fucking hurt. Not to mention that they were full of milk annoyed him. Sometimes it dripped out without him even realizing it.

It was embarrassing.

"Honey, you okay in there?"

It was Ling at the door. Rin had probably woken him up with his groaning.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, honey, go back to bed."

The door opened and Ling was standing there on his crutch, Bon close behind him. He was rubbing his eyes and yawning, probably woken up by Ling outside of the door. Rin sighed, pulling himself up from the edge of the tub with his hand at his back.

"Babes, I'm good. You don't have to get up every time you hear me in here."

"We're just worried about you, honey."

Rin stumbled a bit and Ling reached out to catch him. The raven's breathing was labored, legs shaking as he tried to stand. Bon came to his side, holding him upright.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"I-I-I dunno, I feel---"

Rin felt wetness between his legs, eyes wide with a mixture of shock and anxiety.

"Fuck me, the baby is coming!" Bon cried out, grimacing when Rin howled out in pain and gripped his wrist. He took deep breaths, trying to remain calm as best he could as his lower body cramped over with pain.

"Bon, sweetie, I need a hospital. Like now, like RIGHT NOW."

Bon lifted Rin up, moving to carry him to the car.

"Ling, get the kids together and meet us there, okay? I'll call Shiro on the way."

"BON, I NEED A HOSPITAL! Fucking hell, am I talking to a brick wall?! GET THIS LITTLE FUCKER OUT!"

Ling waited until they left to pass out.

"The baby's comin'~"

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