22. Come On Over

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A/N: Fan-service chapter, y'all! Beware of smut. A lot smut. It's disgusting, I know, I hate myself.

Ling was recovering well, thankful that Konekomaru had been able to help him when he did. He was also thankful for Rin to coming to his rescue. It didn't stop the scolding that he received, though.

"You are an idiot; you should have run! If you would have died, I would have kill ya! Ya hear me, kid?!"

"Yes, mum, I hear you." he said, almost earning a smack from Rin. Ling noticed the large man behind him that had grabbed his arm. "That's enough, Kit. The kid's had his ass handed to him enough for one week." the man said. Rin looked over at the man, leaning back into his chest. "I guess, Bon. I'm just glad he's okay. And I'm thankful that he did all of that just to save Yukio, Shiemi, and Izumo. People he didn't even know."

Why? Why risk your life for people you don't even care for?

"Well, they're important to you, so it was imperative that they be alive and well when you next saw them. I'd do anything to keep you smiling, love." Ling explained. Rin blushed, wanting to do nothing more than reach out and snuggle the poor boy. He turned to the man called Bon, eyes sparkling as he gripped his shirt.

"Bon, he's so precious! We must protect him!"

Bon didn't seem amused. "We already have two little bean babies, we don't need a rambunctious teenager. Besides, I'm sure that Mr. Steal Your Girl over there can take care of himself. Right, Ling?"

It was then that Ling realized that Bon was Rin's husband.

He sat up on his cot, eyes wide. "Mr. Suguro! I...um...I'm sorry...about..."

"Fucking my wife? It's fine, I told him to fuck you."

Rin nodded, arms folded over his chest. "See, told ya." he added. "He even thought that it was kind of hot. He wanted all of the details about how the college kid put his dick in my---OW!"

"Shut your ass."

"But it's the truth. You don't want me to ask him?"

Ling seemed confused at their little exchange, even more so when Bon blushed and walked off to sit in the chair in the corner.

"Ask me...what, exactly?"

Rin blushed too, sitting a little closer to Ling.

"Well, you see...Bon wanted to know if you would be interested in a threesome." he said. Ling didn't know whether to be mortified or intrigued, and Rin must have judged that from his facial expression. He shook his head, knowing that he thought he would be getting tag-teamed.

"No, no, no, sweetie. It would be the two of you on me. Not the other way around. You know, like an early Christmas for me." Rin said, sitting up on his knees to get eye level with Ling. "I'd have one nice, big cock in my mouth and another nice, fat cock in my ass. Would you like that?"

Ling shuddered as Rin whispered to him, feeling his pants become incredibly tight. "Yes, you don't really need to say anymore to convince me. I feel like I'm going to cum in my pants just from the thought of it." He said. Rin felt himself becoming aroused too, watching Ling lay there in his underwear. The bandage around his shoulder was just to patch up where the bullet grazed him and he didn't have any broken bones. If Rin wanted, he could jump him then and there.

"You hear that, Bon? He said he would help you fuck me."

Bon grunted from where he was, and though he couldn't help but feel like a predator for coaxing a college kid to help him fuck his husband, he was hornier than he had been in a long time.

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