3. Unfaithful

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After hours on end of stalking Russell and Yukio, Shima finally found out where his little brunette was living these days. His small apartment was in the Chelsea district, a good ways from where he was staying in Hillingdon but that was no matter at all.

He had plenty of gas money.

"Oh baby. You've been in this shitty place and for what? We had it great back home." Shima's words fell on the ears of no one in particular, talking to himself as he watched Yukio's home from the driver's seat of his Bentley.

It registered that Shima had now become a complete psycho and although it bothered him somewhere in the back of his head, he paid it no mind. It would undoubtedly help him achieve his goal of retrieving his lover if he hadn't died trying first.

"The things we do for love." he sighed, stepping out of the car and making his way up into the building.

At the front desk, a large women in heavy make-up greeted him, her thick accent even more unattractive than her face.

"Well what can I do for ya, love? Looking for ya girlfriend...or are ya single?"

"Oh please, I'd rather fuck a racehorse. Besides, I'm as gay as sparkling rainbows and unicorns in a bloody Skittles factory."

She was taken back by this if her gasp was any indication. Shima hadn't spared her a second glance and he reached over her, found Yukio's room number, and made his way to the elevators despite her protests.

Once he reached the door, he remembered that he didn't have a key.

Ahh, no matter. He picked locks like nobody's business any damn way.

He pushed the front door open, casually stepping into the living room of the small apartment. Everything was simple and cheap. Old tattered couch. No pictures or photos on the walls. It was as if Yukio was trying to force himself to forget the life he once lived.

Shima heard a gasp from behind him and, realizing that he left the door open, turned to see Yukio standing in the door frame with a look of pure terror on his face. Their eyes locked for a moment and an excited grin pulled at Shima's lips, sending Yukio into a panic.

The brunette turned on his heels to run but due to his ankle, Shima was quicker this time. He grabbed Yukio's collar and yanked him back inside, slamming the door and locking it behind him.

Yukio opened his mouth to scream, but Shima clamped a hand down over him and squeezed the back of his neck in warning.

The image of Angel flashed through Yukio's mind and he felt his eyes well up with tears. Would this end just as his relationship with Angel did? Would this cycle never be broken? Was Shima going to beat him and rape him until he blacked out?

"I don't wanna hurt you, honey. I just wanna talk to you. Can we do that, please?"

The request startled Yukio a bit. The gentleness in Shima's voice hadn't betrayed what he had asked of him, which made him all the more confused. Didn't Shima come here to end Yukio?

"I'm gonna move my hand now. Please don't scream. We're just gonna sit on the couch and talk. Then I'll leave, okay? No harm done."

Just as promised, Shima released Yukio and slowly started for the couch. He sat down, patting the seat next to him as a gesture for Yukio to come and sit next to him. Reluctantly, Yukio complied. He made sure to keep good distance between them. Silence ensued for a good 2 minutes.

"You left me..."

"You lied to me."

There was the truth. Shima had lied to Yukio about who he really was and what his true intentions were. What did Shima expect for him to do?

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