30. My Baby's Baby

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Yukio unloaded his clip into his target, enjoying the way the gun felt in his hand as it fired off. A bell rang and the target sheet was moved forward to show how well Yukio did.

"Wow babe, you did a 'bangin' job!"

Yukio rolled his eyes at Shima's horrible pun, looking over at Yaozo for confirmation. The scarred man nodded, genuinely impressed. "You've improved since you came here a couple of months ago."

That's right, it had been about three and a half months since Shima had gifted the gun to him. He managed to get a license as well, which was also a crowning achievement of his. He remembered how he scared the crap out Shima during the learning process, jumping curbs and almost running over small animals and children.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Yukio!"

"I told you that I couldn't fucking drive!"

"You've driven my car like twice!"

"Doesn't mean I knew how to drive it; the situations were dier!"

"Break, break, BREAK!"

Ah, good memories. He applauded Shima for sticking with him long enough for him to drive like a normal person. The pinkette had learned patience, learning not to yell when Yukio made a mistake because it would only make him freak out. He just sat there, gripping the armrest in a death grip with a tight smile on his face. "You're doing so good, Sweet Pea." He praised through gritted teeth. The thought of it made Yukio smile.

Just a little bit.

"I think this should wrap up for today. It's almost 2:30." Shima noted. Yaozo raised a brow as Yukio took the earphones off of his head and holstered his gun. "That's right!" the megane agreed. "Don't wanna be late!"

"Late for what?"

Juzo and Kinzo walked in at the butt of the conversation. Kinzo was carrying a large gun and Juzo was waving his hand in greeting. Shima turned to greet them with a wave of his own. "Hey, Juzo. Hey, Kin. We're supposed to be meeting Bon and Rin at the doctor's office. They find out the sex of the baby today." he explained. Kinzo raised a brow in confusion.

"What is that, a book or sum'n?"

'Has he always been this stupid?' They thought simultaneously.

"That just means that they find out whether Rin is carrying a boy or a girl." Juzo explained. Kinzo let out an 'ooooooooh' noise, nodding in understanding. Yaozo stepped in, profoundly confused. "Wait, Ryuji is having another child? What, has he not figured out what a condom is?" he asked sarcastically, a bit annoyed.

"You're on to talk, dad. You had 4 sons back to back."

"Mind your business, boy."


Ling was shaking with excitement as they sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office. He had ditched class and called out of work for this, as did Bon. They had even brought the twins along.

"Ling? You okay, baby?"

Ling snapped out his trance, stilling his hands. "Yes, I'm just a bit excited. Sorry, love." He said, reaching over to carress Rin's round belly. The raven smiled, placing his hand over Ling's. "I'm glad that you came." he said. Ling scoffed at him. "Of course I would come, don't be ridiculous." He replied.

"Hey guys!"

The lot looked up to see Yukio and Shima coming into the empty waiting room. They were both grinning, probably just as excited as Ling.

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