69. Aftermath

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Everything happened so quickly after that. So quickly, but it felt like it happened in slow motion. Shima remembered Yukio's screaming, remembered him hovering over Kyle's body and crying. There was so much blood everywhere, Shima thinks that Yama managed to rupture a major artery. 

Automatic gunfire rang out inside of the club---Amaimon's doing.

Shima tried to right himself upon realizing that Yama was still armed, barely dodging a bullet long enough to shove Yukio out of the line of fire. The older man dropped his empty gun and made a move to beat the shit out of Shima until he bled to death but he didn't even make it halfway there before a bullet came crashing through the glass and, ultimately, through his skull. Blood splattered as he hit the floor with a loud thud.

Renzo kicked him, just to make sure he was dead before turning his attention to the window.

Ling. What a hell of a sniper.

He noticed him up on the perch of a higher building across the street---abandoned and perfect for being in position without causing suspicion. You'd think the kid was a pro by the way he took in that perfect shot. He deserved an award.

The 'I'm always saving Shima's ass' award.

The raven gives him a look of question and Shima responded with a thumb up, receiving a nod as an answer.

"Ren! Ren, he's not responding!"

Kyle's skin has paled something sickly, eyes cloudy and mouth gaping as blood spilled out. Shima felt burning guilt boil in his gut, shamefully averting his gaze from the teen's body.

"He's gone, Yukio."

"W-What? No, no, he's got a pulse! I can't stop the bleeding, we need help!"

Kyle breathed in a shaky breath  and Shima's eyes bucked, turning on his heels to go and examine him himself.

"I'll be damned..." He breathed out, relief washing over him. He could save Kyle. No one else would die just to save his pathetic life.

'Renzo! What's going on in there?!'

"Dad, we need help! The kid's down! Send Konekomaru in ASAP!"

Yaozo's voice could be heard on the other end, shouting orders to anyone who's been brought in to clean up the mess. Amaimon kicked the door in a moment later, escorting Konekomaru inside. The shaved man was carrying a medical bag almost twice his size, having Wamu and Kinzo lift Kyle onto a table to better treat him.

Yukio moved to Shima's side clutching at his arm to try and calm his racing heart. Shima wrapped his arms around his husband to try and calm his tremors. There was nothing left for them to do.

Now, the play the waiting game.


Rin is on edge.

He shouldn't have let them convince him to stay behind because the anticipation is going to kill him if nothing else does.

"Honey, don't work yourself up, okay? The boys are fine, I promise." Bon assured him, though he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself more than he was Rin.

"Daddy, is mama okay?"

Bon looked down at Ai, who seemed almost as worried as they were. He smiled, reaching down to pet her head. "Your mother is worried about Papa and Uncle Yuki. He'll be fine, princess." He said. She looked over at Rin thoughtfully, wondering what her next course of action should be. Before long, she was crawling into his lap and wrapping her little arms around him as best she could in a hug. Rin can't help but return her embrace.

"Thank you, Ai, my sweet girl."

"You feel better now, mommy?"

"I sure do, baby."


Civilian casualties had been added to the lost of tragedies. Amaimon hadn't spared anyone they may have been involved or been a witness. Not even the dancers. It made Yukio's stomach lurch and he couldn't hold back the urge to hurl into the nearest garbage bin.

"I had to eliminate everyone, you know. They heard the gunshot and all started to panic." Amaimon said as he stood next to Shima, guns still in hand. His blood lust hadn't been sated, Shima could tell that much from the look in his eyes.

Shima would have been upset that innocent people had been used as collateral in this, but he knows better. He knows that this is how his life is. The life of the Yakuza.

"I see." Was all he offered in response.

Konekomaru joined him a moment after, clothes bloody and brows furrowed.

"Shima. I'm going to be honest with you, the chances of that boy making it are slim to none. The bullet pierced a major artery and is lodged there but if I remove it, he'll die instantly. We have to take him to a proper hospital or he dies. This is up to you."

Of course. Konekomaru knows the risk of taking him to the hospital. The way things are, cops are bound to get involved. It's not to say that he can't handle the issue once it begins, but it's such a hassle to deal with that in normal circumstances, he'd have let them pull the plug.

But he owed this to Kyle.

And if this kid died, he'd never forgive himself.

"Alright. Get them here immediately."

Konekomaru gives him a pleased expression and nods, moving along to contact the paramedics as fast as humanly possible.


Ling is tackled to the ground as soon as Rin lays eyes on him and he lives for it. The older raven showers him in kisses, body pressed against him as if he wants to melt into one.

"Darling, please!"

"Don't ever leave me like that again!"

"I told you that I'd come back in one piece, didn't I? I wasn't even in harms way, you know."

He sat up with Rin in his lap, pressing kisses to his head as the older man clung to him. "Now, now, baby, it's okay. I'm okay. Yukio-san is okay, as well. We're fine."

"Ling, you stupid asshole, I was scared!"

"All unwarranted, I assure you. It's alright, my love."

Soon after, he hears tiny feet running towards him.


Tiny arms wrap around him and he's back on the ground, giggling in his attempt to wrap his arms around his children while still stuck in Rin's vice grip.

"My, my, aren't we excited?"

"Papa, you made mama cry! He was worried about you!"

"Oh, darling, I'm very sorry."

Bon approached then with Shen in his arms, looking down at him with a fond smile.

"Well, you're awfully popular."

Ling smirked at him, holding out a hand in offering.

"You know what they say. If you can't beat them, you may as well join them."

And Bon does, adding his own kisses to the mix as he embraces his family. He can't think of his life without any of them and, again, he is grateful to be a man who is so blessed.

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