57. The Art of Seduction

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"I told you I wanted red bouquets, not white. Fix it, Angela, or it's your ass!"

Shima raised his brow at Yukio's irritated tone, watching from the balcony as the woman scampered off with her rail between her legs in order to fulfill his wishes. He was slightly pleased that Yukio was starting to get into planning with the wedding date drawing near so quickly. He didn't think Yukio would get so into it though. He figured that this was just the megane's way of coping. It was productive and he was glad that Yukio hadn't resorted back to smoking instead.

He certainly didn't expect for Yukio to be so 'Bridezilla' about it.

"Call the caterers and tell them I need those test dishes by three or I'll ruin them. I'm going to check with the tailors to make sure that suits are ready so that we can make sure that they fit well. Have you contacted the venue yet?"

"W-Well no, sir, I haven't gotten to---"

"So help me God, Angela!"

"Yes, right away, sir!"

Poor thing nearly tripped over her own feet trying to satisfy Yukio. Shima couldn't hold back his snorting laughter, catching Yukio's attention from the courtyard. The brunette snapped his head up at him, glaring right through his soul.

"You could at least lift a bloody finger to help, Renzo!"

"You're right, honey. What would you like me to do?"

"For starters you could call and make sure those morons at the bakery haven't forgotten about our cake. I don't need anything ruining this so if ONE THING is out of place then it's your ass and theirs!"

"I hear ya, Baby Doll. I'll get right on it."

Yukio's head swivels around to face Angela again as she comes back with a case of dining-ware. Yukio angrily snatches one of the white dishes from the box and smashes it onto the pavement. Angela startled as the glass shattered against the pavement.

"Does that fucking look like crystal to you, Angela?!"

"W-Well, no, but you asked for t---"


Angela screamed, crying as she took the box and ran it back to wherever she had just come from.

Shima shook his head as he made his way down, placing a stern hand on Yukio's shoulder.

"Now Sweet Pea, that wasn't nice at all. You're giving her an unnecessarily hard time. Be nice and go easy on her, okay?"

"I don't---"

"That wasn't a request. I know that you're stressed out right now but she didn't deserve what you just gave her. Right, baby?"

Yukio's brows furrowed as a pout formed on his lips. He nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"I know, baby. Don't apologize to me, though. Apologize to her. Yeah?"


"Alright then. I'm going to go get the dishes---the crystal came in last night. We don't need to call the venue because we decided to have the wedding here, remember?"

Yukio blushed in embarrassment because it was him who had even suggested having the wedding at their home instead he venue that they had originally chosen.

Before he could get another word in, Shima had begun to move the boxes into the house along with the other men who had been hired to move and get decorations set in their designated areas so that it would be easier on the decor specialists.

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