8. Is It Just Me?

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Rin held back drunken giggles as he climbed over the wooden fence of the Shima Estate with Shura in tow. He swung his foot over the fence and tapped his toes around to find solid ground, only to hit the lush grass on the other side with a loud thud. Shura landed on top of him.

"Would you get your heavy tits off of me?!"

"Shhhhh, they're gonna hear us!"

Shura began to crawl around in the dark yard and Rin followed her as best he could, occasionally knocking into until they both found something to help pull them to their feet.

Suddenly, a large spotlight turned on and nearly everything in the yard illuminated. They both hit the ground again, attempting to duck out of the light's rays.

"Holy fuck, they see us!" Rin cried, covering his head with his hands. Shura peaked out from under her arms, only to find the yard empty. She realized that it was just a sensor light.

"No they don't, stupid. Get up, the light's gonna turn off in a minute but it'll turn on again in we wait until it turns off to move." She pulled Rin up from the ground and started to jog across the yard when the light shut off again and it felt like the ground had moved from under their feet.

Rin and Shura let out a loud shriek as they were both engulfed cold water---which they could only assume was a swimming pool.

Rin came back up, flailing and grunting as he doggy paddled back to the edge of the pool at pulled himself up just as the light came back on.

"What the hell..."

The bluenette froze in his place when he heard a familiar voice come from the house. He looked up and both Juzo and Kinzo were standing in the patio with the door wide open.

They were not amused.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you two trying to drown to death out here? Why can't you just use the front door like normal people?" Juzo put on his 'mom voice', walking out to help Shura out of the pool. Kinzo crossed his arms over his chest, never taking his eyes of off Rin.

Run glared back. Even though the cold water had sort of killed his buzz, he still wanted to punch Kinzo in his face.

"Bon ain't here."

"I know that. I'm here for you."

Kinzo raised a brow and the raven, failing to hold back his laughter. "Let me guess. You're here to 'come to me as a woman' because you found out about our little fling, righ" He said, using quotations as he referenced the phrase. If Rin wasn't already annoyed, he was damn sure getting there.

"You think this is funny...?"

Kinzo didn't respond and Rin stood up.

"I thought we were friends, and you're laughing because you've ruined my marriage?"

Juzo furrowed his brows in confusing, leaning over to whisper in Shura's ear.

"What are they talking about?"

Shura waved him off. "Shhhh, this is the good part!"

Kinzo frowned, taking a few steps closer to Rin. "I'm laughing because you jumped the fence and nearly drowned in my pool instead of just confronting me like a regular person."

Rin's nostrils flared in anger. "Confront YOU?!"

"Rin, listen to me---"

"No. YOU listen to ME, you cheap slut. Bon was like a brother to you. You took advantage of a weak point in our marriage and you had sex with your teammate---someone who's practically your fucking sibling! And we were supposed to be friends! Didn't you care about my feelings at all?"

Kinzo started to lose his composure.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! We're just gonna pretend like a preyed on Bon? I gave him the choice and he indulged me, I'm not the only one at fault here and I'm not the one who owed you loyalty!"

Rin reached back and flung himself forward, punching Kinzo hard enough to knock him into the pool. That's when Juzo stepped in. "Alright, that's enough!"

Rin glared as Kinzo sputtered and coughed as he tried to climb his way out of the pool.

"I'm satisfied. I got to punch him in his smug little fucking face." He said, grabbing Shura by the wrist and heading towards the house.

"We'll be taking the front door out."

"That's the pool shed."



Russell hadn't known what came over him, honestly. He had never been a violent man---not without proper cause, so why?

Why had he hit Yukio?

It wasn't as if the brunette had done anything to provoke him. Like Yukio was terrified enough...

Now he's just curled up on the bathroom floor.

"Shizu...God, no, I'm so sorry--"

"No...it's my fault."

Russell was taken by back this as Yukio sat up from the floor, arms still wrapped around himself. He wasn't crying, but the look on his face still reflected his obvious dispair. The bruise forming on his face was alarmingly large.

Russell felt his heart shattering.

"No...no. I'm an asshole, I'm an idiot. You didn't do anything to deserve that and---"

"Russell...it's gotta be me."

Russell was confused for a moment. What was he talking about?


"My name is Yukio Okumura. I'm a failure. I failed as a son. I failed as a brother. I failed as a lover. I'll always be a failure."

Yukio turned to look at Russell with a dead look in his eyes.

"Every that I fall in love with...eventually wants to hurt me. They abuse me. They use me. They leave me...and at first I thought that maybe I was just with the wrong guys but...even now...miles away from home...I'm still unloveable."

Russell reached out and wrapped his arms around Yukio, tears pouring out from his eyes.

"Don't you dare---"

"Just let me leave, Russell. Let me go home...so that this doesn't have to get any worse. I should have seen it coming...with the way things have been."

He gently pushed Russell away from him and stood, only for Russell to grab his wrist as he tried to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"...Back to Japan. This was a bad idea. Just let go."

Russell's grip tightened and Yukio turned and punched him in the jaw.

"I said let go. I want to see Rin...my brother. I just wanna go home!"

Russell let go, nursing his injured jaw as he watched Yukio toss anything he could fit into his suitcase before moving towards the door. He shot Russell one last empty glance, twisted the knob, and quickly making his way out.

Yukio had just about enough of this. It was time to go back to where he belonged.

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