28. It's Better If You Do

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Yukio woke up to a lot of noise, rubbing his eyes as he regained consciousness. Renzo wasn't in bed next to him, he noted. He put on his glasses, sliding out of bed to put on his robe and slippers, not bothering to fix it once one side began to slide off of his shoulder. He sauntered his way out into the corridor.

The noise seemed to be coming from downstairs---indistinct chatter to be exact. Or maybe it was just indistinct because he was partially still asleep? Either way, so much noise in the morning was annoying. Was there a radio on or something?

"Renzo, could you please keep it do---"

Yukio paused as he entered the foyer, suddenly aware that there were eyes on him that did not belong to his future husband.

"O-Oh...good morning." he said, blushing as Shima's father, his his older sons, and a few other men paused in their conversation to give Yukio their attention. He was suddenly aware of how naked he was, but was too mortified to move when he locked eyes with Shima's father.

"Yukio." He said in greeting. His eyes trailed down to Yukio's exposed skin. "Nice tit."

Yukio's face boiled red, hands twitching to move and cover himself when larger hands moved to pull his robe up for him. Chapped lips pecked his neck and arms wrapped around his waist.

"Mornin', Sweet Pea."

It was Renzo, thank God!

"Marrietta cooked up breakfast if you're hungry. Go on to the dining room and I'll have her serve you in a bit, 'kay baby?"

Yukio nodded, but held Shima's hands at his waist. "What's all this?" he asked. All of them men there were dressed in black, some with intricate tattoos on their faces. It looked like some shady dealings.

"Planning out our next move. It's nothing you need to be concerned with, sweetheart. Now go." he said, spinning around to move Yukio in the direction of the dining room as he padded off, but not before receiving a playful smack to the backside. He yelped, covering his backside with his hands as he rounded the corner, silently cursing his lover. He could hear Shima scolding the men from the hallway.

"Oi, find somethin' else to oggle at unless you want me to pluck  yer goddamn lookers out! Bunch of lechers, the lot of ya!"

Ha. As if he was one to talk about lechery.

When Yukio approached the table, he noticed a bald man sitting in one of the chairs. He had seen the man on a couple of occasions before since he was often at Shima's side when he was...doing business.

"Mornin' Ane-san!"

Yukio almost physically facepalmed, resisting a sigh as he sat across from him. "Good morning...Wamu, was it?" He greeted. Wamu grinned, nodding his head in confirmation.

Marrietta, a large, busty woman came from the kitchen with two platters in hand.

One for Yukio and one for Wamu.

Shima had told Yukio that she had come from America to be a chef here, so he offered her the best rate that she could get to cook for him and his family. She was from...Louisiana? Alabama? He didn't quite remember. He just said that's why everything that she cooked taste so...flavorful.

And sometimes hot.

She cooked foods that weren't traditional to their area, which made Yukio feel special even though it may not have been.

The bald man immediately started shoveling food in his mouth and Yukio grimaced at his rude behavior. He looked over at the cook and gave her an apologetic smile.

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