70. Together

297 15 4

A/N: 15 month time skip ahead! 2 chapters remain. Also, domestic fluffication in your near future.

"Marry me, Rin."

The raven paused in his cooking, turning to look up at Ling whose arms are wrapped around him tightly. He smiled--- a sad one, really---and continued to chop his vegetables.

"As much as I'd love to, honey, that'd be illegal. At least, it is here."

"It's legal in Africa."

"Honey, we can't move to Africa."

Ling sighed against the back of his neck, swaying a bit and rocking them back and forth. "Yes, I know. Such a shame that bigamy and polygamy are frowned upon in most cultures. Being in a polyamorous relationship is lovely and all, but I sincerely do not want to be known as 'Rin and Ryuji's boyfriend' until I die." And he sounded genuinely upset about that. Not to mention that if anything were to happen---God forbid---he only legally had rights over Shen Lei and not the twins and that was never a good thing. His concerns were definitely warranted, but there wasn't much that Rin or Bon could do to fix it.

"I...I'm sorry, Ling."

Truly. He hadn't thought any of that through when he first invited Ling into their loves mostly because he wasn't even sure that it would last but now that Ling is practically his husband, he regrets ever putting him in such a situation.

He didn't expect for Ling to laugh. "Don't be sorry, darling. You've nothing to be sorry about. I'm quite happy here with our little family." He assured him. Not that their family was really all that small to begin with.

They'd been together for two years after all.

"Ling, I just---"

"Hey, hey, babies. What's cookin'? Smells good."

Ling turned to face Bon as he walked into the kitchen,  loosening the tie around his neck as he gave Ling a wet kiss on the mouth. He kissed Rin's jaw, not wanting to disturb his cooking as he knew very well just how grumpy he could get when someone messed with his food.

The exception being Ling, of course. If Bon didn't know any better, he'd say that Rin was playing favorites.

"Hold you pants on, Papa. You'll see once I'm done making a masterpiece." Rin chuckled. Ling raised a curious brow.

"I thought I was Papa?"

"You are."

"So we're both Papa?"


"Yes, lovely?"

"Be quiet. You're giving me a headache, hon."

Ling laughs, pressing a kiss on the back of his lover's head and unwrapping himself to go and join Bon at the kitchen table.

"How was work, dear?" He asked, genuinely curious about how Bon's day st work had gone. Ling was the attentive type of lover, a quality that both Suguros loved about him. Bon replied with a groan, running a hand through his dark tapered hair.

"Could've definitely gone without Isogai's constant bitching, but I've had worse."

"Isogai? Your shift manager, correct? What seems to have upset him this time?"

"That I took a fucking forty-five minute lunch break instead of a thirty. Keeps threating to write me up as if we actually need their money."

Rin listened in without comment, thinking to himself that Ling must have had these conversations with Bon daily. They were mentioning people that Rin had never even heard of and he wondered if he should try and pay more attention to his husband's life outside of home. Though, it was a bit difficult to do with such a work load of his own.

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