Russian Roulette

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Yukio tapped his fingers against the surface of the marble table, seated comfortably in his husband's lap as he eyed the large man in front of them. He's nervous, the megane concluded, sweating bullets and trying desperately to hide the mild tremors in his hands. He had reason to be.

Renzou was in a mood today.

"Yuki, my sweet boy." The pinkette's honey sweet voice sang, a broad hand gently squeezing Yukio's thigh. The mole-faced twin hummed in response, awaiting any instruction from the mob leader. The smirk plastered across Renzou's face was something devious and as much as he would have frowned upon it in the past, it was making Yukio's insides flip with excitement.

"Let's play a game, hm? Would you like that, Sweet Pea?"

"Sounds fun." Yukio replied, a similar sinister smile spreading across his own face.

"Kylie? Would you like to play?"

The blonde, standing near the only exit with her pistol on display, perked at the sound of her name. "I'd love to, Master Shima." She said, standing from her relaxed position against the wall. "What game are we playing?"

Shima beckoned for her to come closer and she moved until she was standing next to him at the table. If there was any chance that this guy would try and bolt for the door, he wouldn't get far with Wamu and Kinzo on the other side.

"We're gonna play something akin to Russian Roulette. You see, lovely, you're going to stand behind him with that gun there and I'm going to ask Yuki a few questions. For every answer, Mr. Toga will tell me if it's true or false. He gets it wrong...well, you know what to do, right? Don't you, darling?"

The ex-mafia leader nodded, taking her position behind the man named Toga. He flinched at the feeling of the silencer being pressed against his neck.

"Ah, ah, ah~ you don't wanna run from her, Mr. Toga. You see, Kylie here used to run the Gray Syndicate. She's well adapt to murdering scum like you."

It takes a moment to process.

"The Gray Syndicate? You mean...this girl is...Kyle Gray? Fucking walking around dressed like a woman, you---"

Kylie promptly smacked the back of his head with the butt of her gun, quickly turning it to press the barrel against his nape again. The expression on her face grew dark.

"Watch your bloody mouth, you fat arse. You're going to make me kill you faster. My name is Kylie. And even if I was born with a pussy, I'd still be more of a man than you are, you mewling quim." she threatened. He swallowed audibly, hyper aware of the fact that he most likely wouldn't be walking out alive and brought his attention back to Shima who seemed all too amused. He turned to face Yukio, smiling fondly at his husband and brushing a thumb across his bottom lip.

"Question number one: If Daddy gives a client 10 kilos of his inventory to sell, how much product is that?"

Yukio paused, brows creased in thought.

"10 kilos is roughly 22% of your inventory, Daddy."

"Is that so? What do you think, Mr. Toga?"

The burly man wants to wipe the sweat from his brow, but he's afraid that if he lift his hand they may put a bullet in his brain pan. "That's correct." He replied, clearing his throat rather harshly. Shima granted him a smile and turned to peck Yukio between the eyes.

"That's right, baby. So smart, my sweet boy!"

Yukio beamed at the praise like a ray of sunshine. He told Renzou that he was ready for another question, not at all missing the look of dread on Toga's face.

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