5. Tell Tale

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Warning: vulgar language and smut ahead.

Yukio hadn't known that video games were this fun or this infuriating, but the fact the he was last place in the current game of Mario Kart made him want to punch someone in the face.

Preferably someone with pink hair.

"Ha! Suck my star-spangled dick, motherfuckers!" James, one of Russell's American friends, screamed as he stood up on the couch and pointed a finger in Yukio and Russell's direction.

Russell twitched for a moment and Yukio thought he would get up and punch James in the face, so he leaned back against the blonde's chest as a reminder that he was still settled into his lap.

Russell wrapped an arm around Yukio, moving him a bit in order to let Yukio know that he wasn't going to throw him off. He threw his controller on the ground, pointing his own accusing finger at his American friend.

"Did you just fucking blue shell me, you dickless shit monger?"

"Damn right I did, you big fucking french fry."

"I should send your ass back to the States so you can watch Bill Nye and date your cousin!" Russell shouted, standing up and taking Yukio with him.

"At least my cousin doesn't walk around smelling like week old Earl Grey and calling french fries 'chips' like some ancient old geezer." James shot back. Russell gasped in mock offense as he plopped down onto the couch, stretching his legs out with Yukio in his lap.

"You take that back, you backwoods goat-fucker!"

"Cock sucker!"

"Better than your fucking mother!"

"Guys! Can we please take it easy with the offensive comments, please?" Yukio burst, starting to get a little nervous that they may actually start getting serious. He wanted it to stop before it became racial slurs and ruined their fun.

James and Russell seemed to think it was funny, however.

The two of them burst into laughter and James sat down on the furniture, tossing his controller onto the carpet.

"We're so sorry to have hurt your precious virgin ears with our brotherly banter." James said, holding a hand to his chest and grinning through his fake apology. Yukio opened his mouth to make a snarky comment, but Russell's laugh drowned out the beginning of his objection.

"Shizu, you've really got to lighten up, love."

Yukio's jaw dropped and he held out his hands in a 'what the fuck' sort of motion. "I'm sorry but that could have gotten really ugly! Russell, your mouth doesn't have a filter and you could have said something...really...offensive and--"

"What, you mean cus Jimmy's black? Jesus, baby, nobody cares about Jimmy being black. Hell, we love that Jimmy is black."

"Okay, stop, Russ. Thank you."

Yukio was too sensitive for all of that.

James laughed some more and stood, brushing wrinkles from his pants. "It's okay, Russ. He means well, that's such a sweetheart you got there." He said, checking his pockets for his car keys.

"Anyway, gentlemen, it's been a grand time this evening but the wife is expecting me home in time for dinner so I'll see ya later." he said, bumping fists with Russell and giving Yukio a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

Quite frankly, Yukio didn't appreciate being treated like a child.


Bon was cornered with nowhere to run.

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