39. Jealous

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A/N: Public phone smut. Praise Kink. Daddy kink. I'm filthy, I know.

Rin eyed Yukio suspiciously, taking in his brother's obvious discomfort. He was spacing out, shifting in his seat at the table and ghosting his fingers over his neck.

Where he had applied makeup that was also painfully obvious.

"Yukio, are you okay?"

The younger twin jumped in his seat, flashing a tight smile at his brother. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" he replied. Rin raised a brow at him.

"Cause you're sweating like a whore in church."

"Rin!" it came out in a harsh whisper and Yukio blushed, praying that no one in the vicinity had heard such an obscene comment. Rin shrugged, dipping a large, fried chicken tender into his cup of honey mustard before shoving it into his mouth. The cup nearly tipped off of its perch on his swollen belly, but Rin made no move to adjust it. Yukio sighed, reaching out to set it right again.

" 'ell meh wusshup." the raven said with a mouth full of chicken, pausing to swallow it before turning his attention to Yukio once more. Yukio's blush deepened and he picked at his rice. Rin's brows furrowed in frustration.

"Yukio, is someone...hurting you?"

Yukio's eyes bucked at the raven and he quickly shook his head. Sure, someone was pissing him off but he wasn't hurting him. Beryl eyes glanced near the door where Yukio's tanned bodyguard was sitting, nursing a glass of something that was more than likely alcoholic. His wandering eyes didn't go unnoticed by Rin.

"Did tall, dark, and gruesome over there give you that hickey?"

Rin didn't even know that Yukio could turn such a shade of red. The megane slapped a hand over his neck, a horrified look on his face.

"How did you---"

"Your concealer is the wrong color. What else would you be hiding if it wasn't a hickey?"

Yukio could think of a couple of other things, but he pushed the afterthought away in favor of eyeing the table in shame. Rin leaned over the table (as best his pregnant tummy would allow) and cupped a hand around his mouth so that he could whisper.

"Are you fucking him?"

"Christ, no!"

Yukio's mouth clapped shut when he realized that he had said it a bit more loudly than he had intended to. A few eyes traveled in his direction---including Mugen's---but they soon went back to their own plates.

Rin grinned at him.

"But you wanna fuck 'em, right?"

"I quite literally fucking hate him."

"Doesn't mean that you can't be attracted to him."

Rin watches Yukio's body language, watching the mole-faced twin worry his lip between his teeth. He was so easy to read that it was kind of pathetic.

"Jesus, Rin. I really can't stand him but every time he gets close to me I get so fucking hot and when he kissed me the other night I couldn't even make myself force him off of me."

"I figured."

"He's an egotistical, misogynistic, boorish---"

"I don't know what that word means."

"And he's rude. He has no regard for my personal space and he's an unintelligible brute. He's nothing like my Renzo."

Rin nodded, folding his arms to rest on his tummy. "Right. He's the complete opposite Shima. That's why you wanna fuck him. And the fact that Shima can't dick you down at the moment is just adding to the pressure."

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