13. Rock City Boys

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Bon squeezed his phone so hard that the screen cracked a bit. He took a deep breath, setting it down on the kitchen table so that he could finish making breakfast for the kids.

Apparently Rin had met someone.

Bon understood that this was the point of the therapy, but to see some kid with his lips plastered all over his husband irked him. He simply texted back 'You kids have fun' and left it.


He looked down to see Renji with his phone in his little hands. The photo of Rin and that kid was still on the screen.

"Oh, bud, don't look at that." he said, leaning down to take the phone away. The child moved it away to keep looking at it. "Papa is happy. He smiles." he said, staring at the photo in awe. It threw his father for a loop, considering that Renji wasn't much for words. The doctor said that it was due to developemental stagnation from being pulled out of the womb too early and from not having proper nourishment. They didn't treat him well in that place.

"Yeah buddy, he's smiling. People are happy when they smile."

"Papa don't smile no more. He not happy. But Papa smile now. It make me happy."

Holy shit...

Has Rin been unhappy for so long that his children can't remember him smiling? Bon felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach. He deserved this punishment for turning such a beautiful person into...something that felt nothing but regret and redemption.

"It makes me happy too, buddy. Why don't you go show Ai, hm? You go get your sister, breakfast is almost ready."

The toddler ran off to do as he was told, leaving his father to finish his cooking.


New Message from Ling:
Hey gorgeous! Care to join me on a musical conquest this evening?

Rin grinned at his phone, quickly typing back a response. Three years ago he would have waited to avoid seeming like he was thirsty, but he felt no reason to beat around the bush with this kid.

Sure! What are we doing?

It didn't take long for Ling to respond.

New Message from Ling:
It's a surprise! Just meet me at The Cabana. I've arranged for a car to come pick you up. See you at 8!

Rin raised a curious brow at this. Just what did this kid have in mind? Honestly, he didn't know this guy from the man on the moon. He could be a serial rapist or something. Not to mention that teenagers were janky ass people. He could get him all sorts of drugged and fucked up if he let his gaurd down.

At the same time...

"Guess I had better take a shower and find something to wear."

Rin was a man who took chances. This could be the ride of a lifetime. No way was he gonna pass this up.


The flight to Japan had been pleasant, much to Russell's satisfaction. That was the beauty of owning a private airline.

"Shall I fetch the driver for you, sir?"

"Yes, Ereka, what the fuck else do I pay you for?"

"Obviously to do your job while you sit around and bitch about everything, sir." the woman said, walking away from the grumpy man without giving him a second glance. Russell was taken back by the remark, but even more so by how her nonchalance.

He pulled out his cell phone, dialing one of his men who had been in Japan for a while moving weight for him. He was young, but he was honest and reliable.

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