67. Back and Forth

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A/N: Filler

"Stay out of it, Rin. This isn't up for discussion."

Rin's lip pulled back in a snarl, eye twitching with the effort it took to restrain himself as the unbidden urge to deck Shima between his eyes resurfaced yet again.

"Stay out of it? You me to fucking stay out of it?"

Bon tried to defuse the altercation before things got too out of hand, but Rin was difficult to handle this way. Still, he was sure that he was beginning to startle the children.


The raven turned on Bon, hand fisting in the front of his shirt as his anger skyrocketed. "You fucking shut up, Bon! I don't want to hear anything from you!" He growled, shoving the larger man back before sizing Shima up again. "You don't get to fucking call the shots, asshole! Yukio is my brother and none of this would have happened if you would have been a good husband! I shouldn't have encouraged him to forgive you; he wouldn't even be in this mess! You don't deserve him!"

Shima's hand flinched---an attempt to keep his own anger in check. What does Rin know? He doesn't get it; he doesn't understand.

"You're angry. You have every right to be---"

"Damn right I do, asshole! If you would have been with Yukio to begin with instead of fucking the shit out of some kid on your goddamn wedding night then this wouldn't have happened! Is a good fuck really more important than your marriage?!"

So we're pulling our claws out, are we? Shima can play that game, too.

"I don't know, Rin, is it? I mean, really, you couldn't find time to fuck your husband and ultimately drove him into the bed of another man. Didn't have any problem spreading your legs for a teenager though. So are you really in any space to be placing judgement on---"

Rin smacked him before he could get through with the rest of his insults. Smacked the hell out of him, really. Shima was expecting to be hit, but not that hard.

"Fuck you! What would you know about raising a family?!"

He doesn't, honestly. He's the youngest son of a wealthy family. He's never had to work hard for much in his life. They hired people to raise their children for them...not the Renzo had any children to begin with. He moves to face the angry raven once more after he's done nursing his stinging cheek. He seemed to have struck a particularly sore nerve if Rin's tearful glare is of any indication. Bon had moved to his side to restrain him as gently as possible, giving Shima the stink eye.

"I got up every morning at the crack of dawn. Prepared lunch for Bon and made breakfast for the kids---have to be careful though 'cause Renji's got an allergy to gluten." He began, wiping at his eyes as the tears fell away.

"Then I'd wake the kids, wash then up, and feed them. I cleaned the house top to bottom, did laundry, picked up dry cleaning, went grocery shopping---you name it. All while looking after the twins. I'd have to make lunch for them too. Then I'd come home so I can make dinner and have it ready along with a hot bath for him when he comes home. Bathe the twins, help them brush their teeth, and then put them to bed."

He lifted his head, shrugging away from Bon. His husband released him, albeit reluctantly.

"Now, I've had to double that routine and also add around the clock care for my newborn. I don't even have time to take a piss by myself or get a fucking nap during the day. You left out the fact that he wasn't helping me take care of this household. He was staying late just to avoid coming home to even deal with us."

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