34. One and Only

335 17 23

A/N: Quick question: who here is a Fairy Tail fan? What's your fave ship? Also, if y'all don't stop threatening me in my inbox ima kill off everybody 💁 I'm just saying 😂

Yukio wanted to call 911 but he knew that it wouldn't be good on Shima or his family if he were to do so, so he called Yaozo himself. He could barely speak coherent words, babbling to his father in law to get his fiance some help.

"Yukio, calm down! I can't understand you, son..."

"I...Ren..zo...bullets...gun...blood...everywhere!" he tried to get him to understand, gasping loudly between words to try and keep himself sane. He looked down at his bloody free hand as it tried to put pressure on the wound on Shima's abdomen. He wasn't helping. If anything he was just making him bleed faster.

Yukio choked out a loud sob, crying out into the phone receiver.

"Please help him, God, I don't want him to die! I'm so sorry, please!"

He could he Yaozo shouting orders in the background.

"We're coming! You hang onto my son, Yukio, you stay with him until we get there, understand?"

Yukio nodded frantically, not fully aware at the moment that Yaozo couldn't see him. He dropped the phone onto the floor, pulling Shima onto his lap. Then it occured that he probably shouldn't have moved him with a bullet in his guts, so he laid him back down on the floor. Shima groaned, wincing in pain as he tried to lift his body.

"N-No, you gotta stay down!"

"...You...s-sh s-sh..."

He shot him. Yukio shot his future husband with his own gun. The brunette choked out another sob, caressing Shima's face with his hand as his lip quivered. He was in a failing battle to keep himself together.

"I know, baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't it mean it, I swear!"

Shima's mouth opened and closed again and Yukio could tell that he was trying to talk. He shushed him, leaning down to press a kiss onto his forehead as he grabbed his hand.

"Shhhhh, you save your strength, okay baby? You don't have to say anything."

Shima's hand squeezed Yukio's as tightly as he could, honey brown eyes opening to look Yukio in his own beryl orbs.

"Y-You sh-sh-should...nt b-be s-scared. R-Ren w-will..."

Shima took a deep, ragged breath.

"P-pro...t-tect...y-you...S-Swe...et P-Pea."

Before Yukio had time to process what Shima was saying, the older man's hand went limp and his eyes closed again, skin paling enough that it almost looked grey as his body went slack.



"Renzo?! Ren, baby, please---please don't do this to me!"

The front door opened downstairs.


"Juzo! I'm up here!"

Rushing footsteps could be heard as Juzo and several others made their way up to the bedroom. Yaozo came into view a moment later with Wamu, Juzo, and Hojo in tow. Konekomaru was there too, immediately examining Shima in order to figure out a game plan.

"We've gotta move him to a table! The bullet is still in there. If I can manage to remove it and stop the bleeding quick enough, he'll survive long enough to get him to help but...our time is limited!" He explained. For a millisecond, no one moved.

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