4. Enough

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Kinzo let out a short gasp, trying his hardest to hold back the lewd noises that he was making without having them leak from the coaching office. He was sprawled across the desk with Bon between his legs, moving hard enough that the desk would slide across the floor.

"Damn, you're a real slut. How many guys do you let fold you up and do you like this?"

"Enough to know that you've got one of the biggest---Ohhhhh my Godddddd~"

Bon silenced the older man with harder thrusts, wrapping a hand around his throat lightly. "Shut up. I hope Juzo and Shima know how much of a whore their brother is."

Kinzo was flipped over abruptly, catching him off guard when Bon resumed his violent thrusts. He was angry with himself and he made damned sure to take it out on Kinzo. It was like this everyday.

Go to work. Fuck Kinzo. Come home to Rin (and kiss him) before taking a shower and going to bed. He was the lowest piece of shit on the totem pole.

"D-Do it on m-my back?"

Without argument, the pierced coach pulled out and snatched his condom off, releasing himself all over the blonde bent over before him.

"Gimme a second, alright?" Kinzo was out of breath and his legs felt like pudding. Bon always kicked him out when he was done, wanting to be alone to wallow in his own self-hatred.

After a few minutes, as Kinzo slipped on his clothing, the blonde cleared his throat to grab Bob's attention.

"We don't have to do this anymore, you know? I'm not gonna have any hard feelings about it. I mean, we're friends, right?" The blonde wasn't sure if he meant it, but it felt right to say. Besides, he'd never wish misery upon Suguro by any means.

Bon sighed. Giving a slight nod of his head.

"I...Yeah, you're right. I mean...I'm not even sure if what I'm doing with you. I love Rin...and I love my kids. I guess I just wanted attention."

Kinzo smiled, "And that's okay. We're good, bro."

He moved to exit the room when a rough hand grabbed his wrist. He turned, brow raised in question.

"Let's not mention this to anyone, yeah? Especially Rin..."

"It's our secret, man."

And with that he gently tugged himself loose and left.


Yukio's ankle was feeling a lot better when he woke up that morning, so he decided to go for a walk. The weather was great too; not a cloud in the sky. He left Russell in bed, eager to use the solitude to clear his mind.

He slept with Shima.

It had happened nights ago, but it ate him alive to keep such a secret to himself. He wanted to tell Russell...

But maybe Russell would kick his ass, fire him, and never speak to him again.

Curse him for being so weak in the face of temptation!

"G'morning beautiful."

Yukio rolled his eyes, almost throwing his coffee down in exasperation.

"Why are you here, Shima?"

"Damn, I was just walking my dog. You don't have to get an attitude."

Yukio looked down and, surely enough, there was a little red leash in his hand attached to a tiny Pomeranian. The dog let out a yip, making Yukio want to cringe at how cute and fluffy it was. He wanted the dog.

Of course Shima would know he wanted the dog, that dirty evil bastard.

"Cute. I'll have to tell Russell that the two of us should get a dog."

Shima scowled at the mention of Russell.

"What, don't tell me you moved in with that fleabag?"

Indeed he did. Did we mention that already?

"He's my boyfriend and he wants to protect me from psychological megalomaniacs like you. Of course I did." Yukio continued to walk passed Shima, only for the pinkette to grab his wrist roughly and pull him backwards.

Yukio dropped his coffee, feeling anger well up inside of him the moment his eyes met Shima's. He raised his fist, knocking his possessive ex-boyfriend between the eyes with as much force as he could bring forth.

Shims stumbled backwards, nearly falling onto the dog as his back hit the concrete.

"Do you wanna fight me, Renzou? Because I'm extremely fucking TIRED of your shit!" People were looking now, which Shima did not like. "Don't get your panties in a twist, babe--"

"Shut up. I'm done being scared. If you're gonna kill me...go ahead. I'm tired of waiting. You think that what you did...what you're doing...is love? You're no better than Angel. You're just like him, in fact."

Shima was at a loss for words, most definitely not prepared for what was happening. "Kill you...? Yukio, no, I just miss you!"

"Give me some fucking space! Jesus Christ in a coke binge, I need to think about what I want. I want to be happy for once in my life and I don't need your extra suffocating layers of CRAZY to blanket me." Yukio kicked at Shima, but not hard enough to harm him.

"Ouch! Well what do you want me to do, Yukio?!"

"Go home, you fucking psycho!"

Yukio leaned down and picked up the puppy, huffing at his ex and frowning at his wasted coffee.

"And this dog belongs to me now."

Shima hissed as he watched Yukio walk away, his face stinging from the blow to the nose.

"He's so cute when he's mad."


Russell was sitting at the coffee table when Yukio arrived, flipping through the paper.

"G'mornin', love. How was your...is that a Pomeranian?"

"Yes and his name is Chi Chi. Don't question that."

Yukio put the dog down, awfully glad that they allowed pets in the penthouse. He sunk down into the sofa and into Russell's waiting arms.

"Wanna tell me who pissed in your Cheerios?"

"Nobody, I'm just exhausted."

Russell noticed Yukio's bruising wrist and fingers, but chose to say nothing. Yukio would tell him if he wanted him to know.

"Well, how about we take a nice warm shower and then I take ya to have a nice breakfast, yeah?" He offered. Yukio smiled, snuggling into his large arms even more.

"Yes. But I wanna stay here a little while longer please."

"Whatever you want, Shee-zoo."

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