50. I See London

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"The hell is that on your face?"

Shima laughed at his brother's comment, lightly scratching at the dark hair on his face. He shrugged, leaning back in his chair to kick his feet up on his father's desk. "You don't like it? I'm told it makes me look quite a bit more charming." he replied. Kinzo shook his head. "Yukio tell you that?" he asked. Shima chuckled once more.

"Not in those exact words, no."

"Really now? And how does he feel about it?"

"It makes him horny. Win-Win for Renzo Shima."

Kinzo rolled his eyes and took a seat in the chair opposite of him as his father walked in and took a seat behind the desk. He seemed stressed, which wasn't very healthy in his old age. Poor guy looked like he was about to fall over. Nevertheless, he smiled at his youngest son.

"Excited about your wedding? It won't be long now until the big day." he pointed. Shima's grin widened in excitement. "Two more months. The planner has been running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to make sure that everything is in place." he said. He really was estatic about it all.

The day that Yukio would be his until the end of eternity.

"As expected. I'm sure that you've given her more than enough trouble about it, knowing you."

"And you do know me well, Pops. Anyway, what's going on? Why call us here so early in the morning?"

It was five in the morning and Yukio wasn't very happy with Yaozo for dragging Shima out of bed at the crack of dawn. The ear full that he received from the megane was enough to frighten him a bit---especially at the threat of being the next Shima to be riddled with bullets by the hands of an Okumura.

Crazy loon.

Yaozo sighed, running his hand through his graying locks of hair.

"I'm supposed to attend a meeting in London in the next few hours but I'm exhausted to near death. My bones ache and my head feels like it's about to split and I'm jittery from near weeks without sleep and caffeine bingeing; I'm an old man, you know---"

"I get it, dad. You don't have to try and guilt trip me."

"I'm appalled that you're insinuating that I would even do such a thing, Renzo, but thank you."

Shima narrowed his eyes at his father a moment, noticing the slightest bit of a smirk play at his lips. Conniving little bastard.

"Alright then, so I go in your place attend the meeting. Anything else?"

"Yes. Kinzo will accompany you and so will Mugen."



Yaozo's lips pressed together as his smug demeanor dissolved. "As you can probably guess by now, everyone in the underground knows that you killed Russell Gray. We've made more enemies than friends there." He pointed. Shima grunted in response. He knew what the consequences were for killing Russell and although Shima wasn't the sort of man who went around searching for conflict, he wasn't a man who would shy away from it. Not these days, at least.

His fear of death had long since abandoned him. Good riddance to it.

He also knew that Russell's gang had no one to lead them at this point which made them harmless as a unit. But that also made him a walking target.

Not that he was ever much for hiding.

"I'm aware."

"Good. Then you know that it is to be expected that you attend protected. Mephisto will also be lending us a hand."

The door opened and a head of green hair poked through the opening.

"Oh. It's just you all. How disappointing; I was hoping that brother would have me do something a lot more fun than playing soldier to some third rate assassin."

Shima's brow twitched as the pale man sauntered into the room in his strange attire and plopped onto the floor with his legs crossed. This had to be some sort of joke...

"...He's sending Amaimon? Trigger happy, weapon crazy, sugar high Amaimon? For a diplomatic meeting? Honestly, dad, are you serious?"

"Mephisto has given his word that the boy will behave."

"He's a Berserker Agent; his only job is to literally go crazy and massacre shit tons of people."

"He's going. That's final."

Shima groaned aloud. It was bad enough that he had to deal with Kinzo who's only wish is to fight a fierce battle to the death and die in a blaze of glory, but now he has to deal with a literal weapon of mass destruction?

What am I running here, a day care center?!

"Fuck my life. Fine, let's just get this over with." he said, moving to stand from his chair when a clawed hand reached out to grab his wrist. He turned his head to look down at Amaimon with a raised brow.

"I was promised candy for this."

The young boss glared and snatched his arm away, but to no avail.


"Yay, candy!"


Yukio stared at the bedroom wall as he listened to the sound of the door opening and the noise that Shima's clothes made as he shuffled out of them, nuzzling into Yukio's back and kissing his neck as he wrapped his arms around him. The megane shifted slightly, knowing that Shima knew very well that he was awake. There was a bout of silence before anyone said anything.

"You're gonna be mad at me."

"More likely than not."

Shima sighed, setting his chin on Yukio's shoulder. "Listen, I need you to stay at Rin's for a few days."

"For fucking what?"

"Because I need to make a trip to London for my father and I don't want you in this house alone. You're safer with them."

"Why can't I go with you?"

"Honey, that is a terrible idea."

"And why the hell is that?!"

"Why the fuck do you think?!"

Shima sat up abruptly, an angry expression on his face.

"You wanna fucking pretend that none of the fucked up shit happened when it did. It's too fucking late for that! People are always gonna try and kill me but I will burn the entire fucking city to the ground before I put you in harm's way again so be mad all you want but YOU'RE FUCKING STAYING and you're going to Rin's! This isn't an argument nor is it up for discussion, you fucking hear me?!"

Yukio, startled, watched him with eyes doubled over. His heart jumped out of his chest when Shima grabbed him by the throat and yanked him forward, a yelped escaping him.

"I said do you fucking hear me?!"

"Yes! Yes, I hear you! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Shima released him, still angry as he got out of bed and dressed himself again. He took a suitcase from the closet and began to throw a bunch of Yukio's clothes in it, glaring up at Yukio with an intense gaze when the mole-faced twin made no motion to move.

"Some time today, Yukio."

"O-Oh, right."

Yukio got out of bed, trembling as he dressed himself. He allowed himself to be ushered out of the room with a form hand around his waist.

He shouldn't have been turned on like that.

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