14. Locked Out of Heaven

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Russell stretched his stiff arms over his as he made his way off of his jet. The flight would have been a lot more comfortable if he wasn't so goddamn angry. He couldn't stop being angry enough to get any sleep; his mind was racing a mile a minute.

"Shall I fetch the driver for you, Mr. Gray?"

Russell grunted, glaring at Ereka from the corner of his eye. "Ain't that what I pay ya for? Bloody quim." he responded, taking his phone from his pocket and powering it on. He could see the driver from where he was standing, sitting inside the car with his head tilted back. The moron was sleeping.

Ereka adjusted her frames as she walked towards the Bentley that was parked a ways away. "No sir. You pay me to do your job for you while you gripe all day about nothing." she said, not bothering to take a look back at his annoyed expression.


Rin couldn't help but grin back at Ling from his place in the crowd. The teen swung his hair out of his face before running his fingers through it, making the girls in the crowd squeal like the little fangirls they were. Rin had to give the kid props. He was sexy without even trying.

"One...two...one, two, three!"

Ling started vocalizing and Rin felt his non-existent ovaries explode.

"Never had much faith in love or miracles! Never wanna put my heart on the line! But swimming in your water is something spiritual! I'm born again every time you spend the night!"

Rin recognized the song; it was by an American artist by the name of Bruno Mars. Ling and his band did it a great justice. He definitely liked this version better.

"Cause ya sex take me to paradise. Yeah ya sex takes me to paradise and it shoooows, yeah, yeah, yeah! You make me feel like I've been locked outta heaven for too long...for too long!"

The crowd began jumping around along with Ling as he danced around the stage in his super sexy rockstar fashion and it became contagious because Rin found himself bouncing around as well.


Shiro couldn't help smiling as he watched his son in law sprawled out on the couch with the twins wrapped in his arms. The older man was snoring, probably tired from a long day of looking after the children. His fingernails were painted purple and his hair was put up into little poof balls. Knowing him, he probably just let the kids do whatever they wanted to keep them content. He expected as much, seeing that Bon had always been the one to spoil them. When it was Rin, they had organised tea parties and finger painting. The nail polish, crayons, and paper all over the floor suggested that their day had been less than organised.


The ex ball-player was startled out of his sleep, but was careful not to wake the children.

"Hey old man. How'd you get in here?"

"Door was open. Nice hair cut, by the way." Shiro said, nodded towards Suguro. The man stretched and shrugged. "Thanks, I like black better." He said. Shiro chuckled and Bon looked over at him.

"Oh, you mean the little pigtails. I think it suits me, thanks."

"Does purple polish suit you?"

"I could smear it across your face if it doesn't."

Shiro sat across from him in a nearby recliner. "Does this mean my son forgave your sorry ass?" he asked. Bon shrugged. "I don't know. We're just doing what the counselor told us to do." Shiro raised a curious brow and Bon sighed. "Rin's seeing another person for the next few days while I stay here with the kids. It's supposed to teach me to appreciate him or whatever rubbish she was going on about." he explained. Shiro chuckled at his son-in-law. "You think that's rubbish?"

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