60. What's Done in the Dark

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"He...he promised you that he would kill her?"

Shima nodded his response, setting a mug of coffee on the nightstand for Yukio. The brunette hadn't even bothered to put his glasses on yet, be he still found the gall to suspiciously eye the mug.

"Did you drug my coffee, too?"

"Come now, you're being paranoid."

"I don't like being date raped, Renzo. Not even by my own husband."

Shima rolled his eyes, figuring that Yukio was just being dramatic about it like he did everything else. "Sweet Pea, you're overreacting just a bit. You really needed the rest; don't you feel better?" He tried to reason with him, only to earn a heated glare in return.

"No, I feel like I've had a dump truck full of cinder blocks toppled over my bloody skull. My entire body feels like lead and I do not feel refreshed in any sense of the word."

"Then you should go back to sleep. You'll feel better in a couple of hours."

"You're an arrogant arse, you know that?"

"I do what I feel is best for you because I love you. Please, don't fight me on this."

Yukio gave a defeated sigh and reached for the coffee mug, sniffing it a bit before taking a tentative sip. Shima rolled his eyes at him.

"It isn't drugged, Baby Doll. I promise."

Yukio shrugged, chugging a bit more of it down. He wiped his hand across his mouth, waiting for Shima to continue.

"To answer your previous question: yes. He promised me."

Yukio raised a curious, skeptical brow at his lover. "And just how did you get him to do that?" He asked. Shima smiled at him, a sinister glint in his eyes.

"Easy. I fucked him until he passed out. He's so easy to manipulate, I'm starting to think that I could have gotten the same result with a kiss. But I would never share something so intimate with someone I cared so little for."

Yukio seemed uneasy about this.

"I...Renzo. Did you...?"

Shima gives him a smug expression. 

"You took that innocent boy's virginity?! You used him, Renzo. You can't toy with something so delicate---you will destroy him!"

"And what makes you so sure that the boy is innocent, Yukio? Because he is young? You could anything and everything you want if you play innocent the right way, my love. That boy's innocence is no more our concern than what beef your father has with Mephisto. We used to our advantage and do what we must to get by."

"But Ren---"


Shima's face twisted in agonizing rage, hands trembling around the mug in his hand. Yukio shrank back within himself a bit at the sudden harshness of his tone.

"They took him away from us---they murdered him in cold blood! We loved him; he was a good man and he fucking deserved happiness for all of the shit that humanity has given him since the day he was cursed to exist on this miserable fucking planet. I do not care who I must fuck, manipulate, or murder---I WILL MAKE THEM PAY. Do you hear me?!"

The mug all but exploded in his hands, shards of glass scratching his hands and hot coffee burning into his skin. Yukio reached out, grabbing a towel from the hamper to try and clean up some of the mess but paused when Shima spoke again.

"Leave it. I will clean it myself."

Yukio recoiled, putting the towel back in its place. There was a short silence that fell over them, save for the sound of Yukio's sniffling.

"I loved him too, Ren. It hurt me, too. But I...can't hurt people. I'm angry but I can't  because it won't---"

"It won't bring him back, yes, I know. But this is one of the many different things between you and I. I'm doing this so that you wouldn't ever have to dream of doing it yourself. I've killed what must have been close to seven hundred people in my life. I've been lying and deceiving people since I could open my mouth to speak. Ruining people...it doesn't bother me anymore. And ruining him won't bother me either. Mugen didn't have to die. They didn't have to take him from us. For that grave mistake...they will pay."

Another pause.

"I'm sorry if I frightened you, lovely. I didn't meant to I just---I let my emotions get the better of me." Shima moved over the broken glass, caressing Yukio's face as gently as he could manage. He looked into the beryl orbs with all the sincerity that he could.

"I said that I would fix this. Do you trust me?"

A doleful nod.

Shima leans down and kisses Yukio on the lips, hugging him close to his body.

"Thank you. I needed to know that."

He stood, moving around to clean up the mess that he had made and Yukio felt something...ominous shifting in the air.

God be with them.


Kyle could feel Ereka burning holes through him from the other side of the limo as he tapped away at his cellphone.

"Yes, Ereka?"

The woman's eyes narrow at him and it's the most emotion she has shown since they've met each other.

"You were quite loud last night. I don't anyway on our floor or the next could get any sleep with all of your screaming."

"Is there a point to your statement?"

Kyle looked up at her, a thin brow raised in challenge more than it was to imply genuine curiosity. Ereka didn't seem to find his change in attitude the slightest bit amusing.

"For one, you're of a high ranking family line and should not be bothered with something as disgusting as queer hookups with our competition. You should not be acquainted with that giant arse beyond mutual business endeavours."

Kyle's face quickly twisted into defensive anger.

"What, are you paying me now?"

"I'm simply saying---"

"Let me explain something to you, Miss Thrash. I only kept you here because I felt sorry rhat you would be out of a job now that my idiot brother has met his demise. I do not care for you in the slightest bit and it would do well for you to keep your nose out of my personal affairs. I fuck who I want. Clear?"

Her jaw clenched. He isn't as easy to control as she first assumed.

"He will ruin you and drag all of us down in the process with you."

"Oh, he's already ruined me plenty, Ereka. I plan to let him ruin me so much more. Turn me inside out if he's so pleases."

Kyle smirks at her and she cringes visibly.

"I see. So what will it take for  you see that he is merely using you? That you should leave him be? Must I end his life?"

"You watch your tongue, whore. You would not dare to so speak of laying your hand on him!"

"And who will stop me, child? You?"

Kyle, in his anger, reaches for the gun at his waist but Ereka beats him to it. He froze, hand clenching and relaxing at his side. Ereka tilted her head at him, contemplating.

Then she smiled.

"No. You will kill him yourself."

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