Chapter 3

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You used a pair of vaguely-blunt-scissors to cut open one of the large boxes that you couldn't open without using any kinds of tools. When you're done, you placed the scissors on the table beside and dug your hand into the box, pulling out a small tower of books that you've collected over the recent years.

You held the books tightly to your body, preventing them from falling off and collapsing onto the floor. Since you haven't put the bookshelf in the new room yet, you'd decided to place them on your bed. But while doing so, you noticed from the corner of your eye that the winter spirit was staring at you.

"What are you looking at?" you asked him as you turned to him, trying hard to stifle back your smirk.

"Oh, what?" You've actually took him by surprise as Jack stuttered for a response. "Oh, I was-Uh, I was just staring at you..." he answered lamely.

You raised your eyebrows at him. "And you're doing that why...?"

"Well," Jack took out the other items from one of the boxes that he was in charge of. "It's just that, looking through all your stuff... changes the way to how I look at you." He replied, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

You rolled your eyes and threw him something that you'd just got out from your box. It hit him directly in the face but it soon fell down to his lap as it was fairly light. Jack let out a huff, "Yea, real mature," he said sarcastically and held up the object that you've just thrown at him. "Like throwing a pink sock at me is gonna fix everything."

You shook your head lightly, smiling as you stalked over to your bed and plopped down, lying horizontally on it and letting yourself slowly sink into the soft material that's contained in the mattress.

"Do you even wash these?" You tilted your head up to see Jack still holding the pink sock in his hand, the expression on his face looked like he was about to puke.

"Of course I do!" you spat back. "What do you think? I wear the same socks for months and don't wash them? That's just unsanitary."

But Jack wasn't paying attention, he was busy playing with the sock and before you could say anything about it, the small pink piece of clothing fell onto your face. You heard a light chuckle and you took it off your face to see none other than Jack grinning like an idiot.

"He shoots, and he scores!" he cheered for himself with such enthusiasm that it made you laugh and roll your eyes at him. "You're an idiot." You said and pushed the sock the edge of the bed while your eyes were fixed on the plain, white ceiling above you.

But Jack's head suddenly pops out from nowhere, making your eyes gaze into his vibrant blue ones as he'd blocked your view from the ceiling.

His palms were pressed flat on the both sides of the bed which were just beside from your shoulders.

"But that's what you love about me, right?" he asked, smirking down at you and you felt your confidence shrinking as he leaned down closer and his face was now only inches apart from yours.

"Hmm..." You pretended to hesitate, but you couldn't help but smile during the process. "Maybe..."

Jack pouted, which was the most adorable thing ever! "Aw, c'mon, (Y/N)."

You laughed, causing a few strands of your hair to fall on your face. When your laughter ceased, you tried blowing away the hair so you could regain your clear vision, but it proved to be no avail. That's when Jack reached his hand forward to push the strands aside.

"I like your hair like this." He murmured, the bass of his voice caressing each of the words with so much sincerity.

You looked up at him; his expression has softened and his eyes were filled with such sincerity and vulnerability that you would assume that this was his weakest state... and maybe it was...

"Um, thanks..." you mumbled, unsure of what to say as your cheeks began to burn a pale shade of pink.

Jack smiled down at you; you felt the coolness of his fingers as they still remained the few strands of hair that were now tucked behind your ear.

His lips then parted slightly to say something but the sound of your mom's voice interrupted him and calm atmosphere of the room.

"(Y/N)!" her voice echoed through the walls. "I need you to go to the supermarket with me and help with some of the groceries!"

You shut your eyes and exhaled through your nose. Jack pulled away, allowing you room to get up off the bed. "Okay, mom, I'll be right down! Let me just get my coat!" you called back as you sat up.

Your mom replied with a vaguely muffled 'Okay'. Your eyes darted over to Jack who stood against the wall, continuing to help unpack the boxes of items.

"Hey," you whispered to him. He stopped his movements and looked up at you. "I need to go out and help my mom for a while, you alright being here alone?"

"I don't think so," Jack said. "I mean, I have practically been alone for 300 years." He joked, but there was a hint of sadness in it. You frowned.

"I'll be back soon, Jack." You assured him as you stepped off the bed and grabbed your coat from the small wooden rack on the wall just beside the room. "And, you don't really have to help me unpack anymore..."

"No," Jack shook his head. "It's fine, really. It's not like I have anything else to do anyways. And like you said, it's better than jumping off a cliff." He gave you a playful wink at the last part.

You gave him a tight smile before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind you.

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