Chapter 19

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Your eyes slowly open and was immediately greeted with fairly bright glow of the sun's rays that shone through your window. You blinked your eyes a few times, allowing them to get used to the change of your surroundings. Just then, you felt something soft under your cheek which you laid on and your hand that was splayed to your side.

It's only until you lifted your head up that you realized that you were sleeping on Jack's chest; the blue fabric of his jumper was the soft object under your touches. Surprisingly, you didn't pull away from him like you would in normal circumstances if you two hadn't kissed(More like make out repeatedly :P) the day before.

A lazy smile was plastered on the winter spirit's face as he looked contently down at you, you couldn't help but smile back. "Good morning, (Y/N)." he murmured, his voice sounded more caring as he spoke your name.

"Is it morning already?" you asked sarcastically, vaguely smirking at him.

"Well," Jack said. "More like afternoon, since it's half past two."

"What?" your voice rose and your eyes widened at his words, frantically jerking your head towards the window across your room, hoping to catch a glimpse of the weather outside that might show some proof of his statement.

But then you heard him chuckle... that deep yet cute chuckle... the one that sounded like the chiming of bells on Christmas and the one that always makes your heart melt and your stomach erupt with butterflies. You turn your attention back to the boy beside you. You sent him daggers as you realized that you'd been tricked; you were definitely not pleased.

"Calm down, (Y/N), I'm just kidding." Jack clarified in between chuckles.

Your glare continued to rest of him, "Yea, I know."

His expression the changed completely when he noticed your angered face; his grin faded, replaced with a slight frown and his eyes softened with an apologetic look in them. You sighed and you felt yourself relax. "I really do hate you sometimes." You murmured before leaning up and pressing your lips against his.

You felt his hand placed on your back, pulling you closer to him and he kissed back. Your fingers found their way to the back of his head, tugging lightly on his silvery-white hair. The kiss, as always, was simply amazing. Sweet and passionate while also showing gentleness in it; a kiss that only one could dream of having.

A few minutes had passed until the two of you broke away from the kiss, both your breathings ragged and your lungs craved desperately for air. But despite being breathless, your foreheads were rested against each other's, as if it was difficult for the two of you to separate a farter distance.

"(Y/N)..." Jack breathed; the bass of his voice deep yet it carried a soothing feel to it.

You smiled as your eyes looked up to meet his familiar crystal blue ones. He returned the gesture and reached a hand up to caress your cheek, rubbing your cheekbone lightly with his thumb. You opened your mouth to speak but a loud yell of your mom's voice echoed from the stairs and managed to cut you off.

"(Y/N)!" she called. "There's a boy here to see you!"

A boy...? You thought, baffled but was soon reminded of the brunet Viking who just so happened to be your first kiss... and is also a secret kept from Jack... Though you couldn't be really sure... right...?

"His name's Hiccup and he said that you knew him!" your mom added.

Jack turned his wandering gaze at you, his eyebrows furrowed as if he were mad but also perplexed at the same time. "Hiccup...?" he inquired.

Your eyes were stunned wide, unsure what to do. What have you gotten yourself into...?

"Oh, boy..." you muttered under your breath as his hard stare never left you.

Sparks Fly ~Jack Frost X Reader X Hiccup~Where stories live. Discover now