Vanoss's house

883 19 2

(Your P.O.V)

I woke up in a car. Wildcat turned pale as I stared confused at him.

"Uhhh." he says

I sit up and get rush sent to my head. I got a big headache. I put my hand on my head.

"Ouch. What happened?" I asked

"You fainted." Wildcat says

"Yeah, and your friend called." Vanoss said, looking in the mirror at me. He picks my phone out of his pocket and tells the others to pass it back to me. Everyone fights over who sends it back. Wildcat finally leans forward and grabs the phone and hands it to me. I look at the phone: 2 texts from: Babe

I bet they thought I had a boyfriend. I open the texts.

Alex: Hey, call me

Alex called you at 3:04pm

Alex: who was that boy who answered your phone?

I had such a big headache I didn't even think of a response. I look up. We're at a house. Not mine. It's big and fancy.

"We were going to bring you to my house. And this is it. But if you want to go h-"

"No, no, no, no, no." I say really fast, "I can chill here for awhile."
For some reason I feel warmer. I look at my arms. They're covered. Who did that? They were rolled up when I got out of school. Meh. Who cares.

Vanoss opens the trunk door and Wildcat and I get out. The others are behind us. Just timed, all of their phones ring.

"I have to go." All of them say.

"Race you guys home." said the tall one, sprinting away. The others race after him.

It's just me, Wildcat, and Vanoss. Vanoss helps me up.

"I really wished for you to meet them." he said

We make our way to the house. Vanoss fidgets with his keys before unlocking the door.

"I'm home! Nobody." he says as he opens the door and walks in. It was such a big house and so nice.

"This is my place." he says

I was so amazed. Me and Wildcat sit on the couch and Vanoss runs upstairs. Wildcat's phone rings.

"Hello? Right now? Alright!" he seemed really mad.

"I have to go." he said angrily. As he stormed away, I ran up to him.

"Wait!" I say. He turns around. I hug him goodbye. He hugs me back, tightly. Then he leaves and says goodbye.

Vanoss comes back down the stairs, "Did he leave?"


Vanoss gave me a box, "Listen, this might sound weird but ever since I saw at school a few weeks ago I've been wanting to give you this."

I open it. It's a cute little teddy bear with a heart card that says: 'Will you go with me to the party?' I smile and say yes. I give him a big hug and back away.

"But just as friends, for now." I say. He nods.

An hour goes by and you look at your clock: 4:17. Oh no, dad and mom are going to be home at 4:30. I have to get home.

"Can you drive me home?" I ask

"Sure!" Vanoss says

I get into his car and he drives me home. When we get to my house, I gave Vanoss a hug and said Goodbye.

"Do you have a ride for tonight?" He asks


I ran up to the doorstep and opened the door. I ran into my living room and stopped. My mom was standing there, her arms crossed. My dad had a belt in his hand. I dropped my bag and ran upstairs. My dad ran after me. I ran into my room and locked the door. He pounded on the door, over and over again. I sat on my bed, curled up in a ball, crying. I looked under my bed and found my Mood Stabilizers and took two of them. Eventually, my dad had to leave for work so he stopped banging on the door.

I looked in in closet for a dress to wear. I find a short, black dress with long sleeves. The back was cut like a big keyhole. I never knew where I got it but I've never worn it. I look at the time: 7:49pm. I start getting ready. I put on my dress and curl my hair. I look at the time: 8:30. The party starts at 9:00. I call Alex to come get me.

She quietly pulls up to my driveway. She climbs up the roof and knocks quietly on my window. I sneak out and get into Alex's car and we made our way to the party.

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