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(Your P.O.V.)

Delirious pulled out some snacks while we watched. Nothing too serious happened. I did get pissed here and there when Vanoss would kiss Britney, but nothing bad. But then it started

Britney was reading her book and Vanoss started rubbing her leg. She didn't mind. Vanoss then pushed her head towards him and they had a long make-out session. Britney threw her books on the floor and climbed on top of Vanoss. I started steaming. I flung the car door open and stormed to his door, ignoring my pain. I slammed the door shut and Delirious ran after me.

"Hey, (Y/N), clam down." he said

I didn't say anything and walked faster. I didn't even knock, I just busted through the door. Vanoss broke the kiss and looked at the door. He saw me and Delirious and his face immediately turned white. He pushed Britney off of him and stood up. His shirt was unbuttoned and he put his hands in front of him. 

"Hey Hey Hey! I-It's not what it looks like!" he said

"Well, it's looks like you were trying to have sex with this whore!" I said

"N-N-N-No!" he said

"Yes! I see you guys making out in the hallway at school everyday!" I said and a tear rolled down my face. I wiped it.

"I thought, you know, we were, together." I said and walked out of the house

"(Y/N)!" Vanoss yelled as I walked away

"I think you should leave her alone." Delrious stopped him

I went into Delirious's car and put my head back. I put my palms on my eyes to stop my tears. I only cried harder. Soon later, Delirious joining me in the car.

"You wanna go get some drinks?" he asked

I shook my head no.

"Wanna just go to my place?"

I nodded

~Tiny Timeskip~

We got to Delirous's and he poured me a shot. I chugged it. He poured me some more drinks and I chugged them all. Soon enough, we were drunk. Delirious took off his mask and tried to kiss my cheek and I turned at the right time so he kissed my lips.

It turned into a make-out session and Delirious picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. When we got into the bedroom, Delirious slammed me into the wall, I didn't care, though. Every now and then Delirious would push me up, making sure I didn't fall. I started to take off his sweatshirt and his pants. I needed him so badly. I took off his shirt and he took off mine. He started to massage my boobs. I put my legs down and took off my shorts, still kissing him. Delirious did the same. When I was almost naked, Delirious picked me up again. He kept pushing me more and more into the wall. He took off my bra and underwear. I took off his boxers, it took a lot of work, though. I felt his boner rub against me every time Delirious pushed me into the wall. I wanted it so badly. I felt myself drip onto the floor. Delirious broke the kiss and started to kiss my neck. I moaned, hardly. I felt Delirious pre-cum on me, making me frustrated.

"C-C'mon, Delirious." I moaned

He didn't say anything. Just..fuck! He pounded into me so hard. He hit my g-spot so hard. He killed it. 

"UGH!" I shouted

Delirious didn't say anything and kept going. I pounded my head against the wall over and over again. More and more tears fell down my face. I was dripping on the floor.

"C'mon. C'mon. (Y/N)." Delirious said over and over again

(Vanoss's P.O.V)

I felt horrible. Delirious told me to leave her alone but I just couldn't. I texted her and called her millions of times. She didn't answer. I left my house and raced to her house. She wasn't home. I checked Alex's house. She wasn't there. I checked with all the guys. She wasn't there. I went to Delirious's house and knocked. No one answered.

(Your P.O.V.)

We kept going for a while. Delirious pinned my hands against the wall and went faster. I whined and moaned at the same time. I loved it. I bit my lip a couple times, when I did, Delirious would take one hand and lift my head to face him and he would kiss me. We would make-out for a while. 

Then, all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Delirious stopped deep inside of me and covered my mouth as I was about to moan. I moaned into his hand. I heard the front door open. Delirious carried me to his bedroom door and slowly locked the door, still inside of me. Then he moved back to the wall. 

"Delirious?" the person said. It was Evan

Delirious shook his head at me and put one finger on his lips. I nodded.

There was a knock on the door, "Delirious?" Evan wiggled the handle and knocked again

"Shit." Delirious whispered, "What?" he said

"Have you seen (Y/N)?" he asked

"N-No." Delirious said, I felt Delirious getting ready to cum.

"Okay, if you see her, tell her to call me." he said and the front door shut. 

Delirious was eager to keep going and started to go super fast. It was so fast I saw stars and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I felt myself cum onto Delirious and the floor. And with one last moan, Delirious came hard into me. 

"Uh!" I moaned and totally gave out

Delirious and I flopped on the bed. I turned my head to where we were and not only where their cum spots, there were blood spots! I didn't care at the moment and looked at Delirious. He was panting more than a dog. I kissed and rolled into a ball next to him. We fell asleep

~Tiny Timeskip~

I opened my eyes a little and saw Delirious with clothes on and walk to the door and open it.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here!" He said then there was a loud shot.

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