Old Pennies

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(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up. Not how you usually wake up. When you wake up, you are in a bed, with a pillow, and a blanket. I woke up on a very old and harsh wooden floor. I couldn't open my eyes. They were shut. My mouth tasted like old pennies. Blood. There was sharp pain in my left hand and my legs. My cheeks were scabbed and I could hear light buzzing in my ears.

I stayed laying on the floor. I heard two people walk towards me. They talked but I couldn't hear what they were saying. One of them left and the other picked me up and put me on a bed. He started undressing me. I had no power to move. I opened my eyes a little. There was a little light but I could barely see anything. The man was about my age. His face was a little recognizable, but I couldn't think at the moment. He leaned towards my ear.

"You know your concious." he said

I didn't say anything. I could barely move. He took off my pants and spread my legs. I tried with all my power to keep them shut but he had more power than me. He took off my underwear and started rubbing my clit.

"Someone's dry. Now, we have to fix that." he said

He stuck two fingers inside of me, harshly. I got wet.

"Now you're wet." he said and he took off his pants and underwear

He took no hesitation to shove himself inside me, deeply. I didn't enjoy it. He pounded me over and over again until I moaned. I didn't. He pulled out and put his clothes back on.

"Maybe later." he said and picked me up.

He threw me back on the floor and kicked my side. More blood poured out my mouth.  I tried to figure out what's going on. After the man left, I tried my hardest to sit up. I sat up against the bed. I looked down my left hand. My ring finger and my pinkie nails were gone.
I looked at my legs. They were mangled up. Cut, bruised, and skinned. It hurt, but I couldn't say anything. I looked at myself in horror.

The men came back and put me into a chair and tied me up. They both pulled out daggers and stabbed me repeatedly. I felt dizzy.

Soon enough, I passed out.

(Vanoss's P.O.V.)

We drove as fast as we could, with Alex navigating us.

"Turn right!" she yelled

I turned right. All we could see was an old cabin.

"You're there, go get 'em tiger." she said

We grabbed two guns each and ammo. We got out and ran to the door. We kicked the door down, guns up. No one. We searched around. No one.

"Alex?" I asked

"I don't understand. It says her phone is right there." she said

"Alex!" we yelled

"Hold on!" he yelled back

All of a sudden, I heard stab strikes and coughing. The guys and I looked around some more. We entered an empty dark room. I got out a flashlight and looked around. The sound was louder. We saw a little trap door. I opened it, carefully. Delirious gasped. I almost fainted. Wildcat's ace was pale. Lui looked pissed. (Y/N) was in a chair, being stabbed. Lui jumped down. The rest of us jumped in after him. All you could hear was gun shots. Lui was wounded, Wildcat was half dead, Delirious was fine, and I was trying to finish them off.

"Delirious! Get everyone out of here! I'll follow!" I yelled at him

Delirious got (Y/N) out first. He ran back to the action and threw a clip of ammo at me.

"Owl!" he yelled to get my attention.

I got the clip of ammo and reloaded. Delirious got everyone else out and came back to help me. The guys behind this hid very well. Delirious and I jumped around, shooting the shit out of those guys. We got out of there as fast as we can. Once we got out to the car, Lui and Wildcat were trying to help (Y/N) wake up. We drove away as fast as we could. We rushed back to my house into my office. Delirious carried (Y/N) inside. When Alex saw us, she almost burst into tears.

"(Y/N)! Here give her to me!" she took (Y/N) out of Delirious hand

Alex put (y/N) down and pulled out a small safety kit from her purse. Inside, she pulled out a needle and thread and tried to sew together (Y/N)'s wounds. She cleaned her off and wrapped her up and took a look at (Y/N)'s left hand. Two of her fingernails were gone. Alex wrapped those as well. She wiped off (Y/N)'s face and cleaned out her mouth.

"Vanoss, go get me a blanket." she told me

I ran as fast as I could to get a blanket. I got a nice, fluffy, comfy blanket. Alex wrapped (Y/N) into the blanket and picked her up. She held her tight.

"Listen, we can't take her to the hospital. The doctors might think it's another suicide attempt and they will send her to an insane asylum." Alex said

We nodded.

"My mom is a professional doctor and she can help us with (Y/N)." she said

Alex took Wildcat, Lui, and I to her house. Alex held on to (Y/N) the hole time.

My life as...me (VanossGaming Crew X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now