I'm so sorry

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(Alex's P.O.V)
I was bored so I texted (Y/N)
Me: do you want to go shopping??
Me: hey, you there???
Me: I'm coming over
I made my way to (Y/N)'s house. I knocked. No answer. I knocked a little louder. No answer. I started pounding. No answer. I tried opening the door. It opened.
"(Y/N)!?!?! Are you here?" I yelled. No answer. I ran upstairs and tried to open her door But it was locked. I pounded on it. I could hear choking and panicked. I kicked the door down only to see the horror that stood in front of me.
My best friend is just hanging there. Her body is pale and her face is violently bare. I get her down and see a note in her hand. Before I read it, I call 911. Then I text Nogla and tell him what happened and to get the guys and meet me at the hospital.
(Wildcat's P.O.V)
I get a text from Nogla
Nogla: Get to the hospital, now! No questions!
I get in my car and drive to the hospital. I see Vanoss, Basically, Lui, Nogla, Terrorizer, Delirious, and Mini Ladd's cars in the parking lot. I run inside. Everyone was waiting for me in the waiting room.

"What's going on?" I ask

Nogla had tears in his eyes, "(Y-Y/N) tried to commit suicide earlier today."

I broke into tears, "Where is she?"

"They wont let any of us see her." Alex said. Vanoss was sitting in a chair, arms crossed, and tears rolling under his sunglasses. Lui was leaned forward, and his face burried in

Just then the doctor came in the room. Vanoss shot right out of his seat.
"I-is she ok?" Vanoss sounded like his had a huge lump I'm his throat.
The doctor looked at everyone, "She might. You're lucky she got here when she did. Any longer, and she would have suffocated. She is now on a breathing tube."
"What room is she in?" Alex demanded
Everyone ran pass the doctor. We busted through the door to see (Y/N), laying on the bed, attached to a breathing tube. I stood there. Staring at her. Vanoss and the guys started chatting (Y/N) up, like she left on a trip for a year and just now got back.
"Hey, (Y/N), I made you a necklace, it has your name on it" Mini said and gave her a necklace. But then, Basically came busting through the door.
"Am I late?" He asked with a hand full of balloons that say, 'get well soon'. He sat them next to a teddy bear that Delirious got for her.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)," Lui whispered by her ear, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that." He gave (Y/N) a hug.
After a while, Lui, Vanoss, and Mini started to fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. I just stared at her and held her hand. Her machine was beeping.
It started beeping real fast.
And then stopped beeping.

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