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(Wildcat's P.O.V.)


"What?" I asked

"Okay. Don't freak out, but I walked in on Vanoss and (Y/N) having sex."

I dropped my headset and sat there, staring. A tear rolled down my cheek.
How could I be so stupid? Why did I have to do that?

"Wildcat? Wiildcat?" I heard Moo say. I picked up the headset and started playing.

(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up with Evan's arms around me. I picked up my phone. 5 new messages from: Wildcat :P

Wildcat: Hey...I'm really sorry

Wildcat: Please forgive me, (Y/N)

Wildcat: I really am sorry

Wildcat: I'm coming over

Wildcat: Please answer, (Y/N)

I couldn't deal with him right now. But I couldn't resist. Wildcat was my friend

Me: Hey. Call me

Right away I got a call.



"Calm down, Wildcat."

"Can you please some over and talk to me face to face?"

I sighed and looked at Vanoss, sleeping, "I guess. Be there in a sec."

Before I left, I woke up Evan. I jumped on the bed over and over again and shouted out the ABC's. Evan eventually woke up.

"Whaaaaat?" he asked

"I'm going out for a bit. Bye."


I put on the clothes I had last night and went downstairs. I looked in his medicine cabinet to see if he had any pills that I needed to take. Nope. I hope it doesn't effect me too much. I can really get out of control without my pills.

I took Evan's car to Wildcat's house. When I arrived, Wildcat's door flung open before I could knock and Wildcat came out, hugging me tight.

"I really am sorry." he said. I could hear in his voice that he was crying. I hugged him back.

He pushed me inside and we both sat on the couch. We talked like nothing happened. After a while, I didn't feel too good. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I knew what happened. My pills. I didn't take them. I need them. I started freaking out.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

(Y/N) has been in the bathroom for a while. I walked up the door and knocked.

"Are you okay in there?" I asked

I heard grunting and screaming. I opened the door and (Y/N) jumped on top of me. She started giggling.

"Uhhh...(Y/N)" I said

She only giggled. I nervously giggled with her. She got up and told me to follow her. She ran up the stairs and into my room. I followed her in there. Once I got in there, she was on the bed with an evil smirk on her face. She motioned me to her. This is strange.

"Are you alright?" I asked

She once again only giggled. I slowly moved over to the bed and sat down. (Y/N) jumped on top of me and kissed me. I couldn't resist her soft lips. I took off her shirt and bra. Her skin was so soft. I flipped her over so I was on top. She purred as I kissed her neck. (Y/N) bit her lip when I found her sweet spot and messed with it. She took off my shirt and started unbuckling my pants. I rubbed my erection against her and she moaned softly. I rubbed her boobs as she took off my boxers, revealing my dick. I sat up. (Y/N) smiled at me and sat up. She started rubbing my dick slowly, making me moan like crazy, wanting more. She giggled and looked up at me with a smirk on her face. She looked back down and put my dick in her mouth. It didn't take her long until she went really fast. (Y/N) must've known I was about to cum because she stopped and laid back down on the bed. She giggled when I started taking off her pants and underwear. I couldn't wait. I needed her. As soon as I got her underwear off, I thrusted deeply into her. I didn't realize how hard I went until I saw (Y/N) grunt and arch her back.

"I-I didn't mean to. Sorry."

She didn't say anything. She only giggled. I went on. Every thrust was more hard and more deep. (Y/N) pretty much screamed with I found her g-spot. I hit it hard over and over again. And with one final thrust, we both came and (Y/N) moaned so loudly. I laid right next to her and we both fell asleep.

A/N: PLOT TWIST!!! This is what happens when you don't take your pills. You get super horny. Weird right? I had to come up with something. Okay, well I will see you guys later. STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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