A Day Out

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A/N: This one is a bit longer....I hope you guys enjoy!

(Your P.O.V)

I woke up on the couch. There was a note on the table.


There is breakfast in the microwave for you. You looked really tired so we decided not to wake you. Alex met her mom halfway so she is picking up Delirious. We are supposed to meet Trevor at his place at 5:00. Alex should be home by that time. In the meantime, you can come meet Wildcat, Lui, Nogla, and I at the carnival. The limo can take you there.

See You Later,


I finished eating and went to change. Nothing special. Just some shorts and a t-shirt. I put on some shoes and walked out. I took the Limo to the carnival. I saw the guys playing some games.

"Hey." I walked up to them, "Whatcha doing??"

"Lui has tried this game 13 times." said Mini

It was a throwing rings game. Lui couldn't get the last one on the bottle. He threw it and it missed. He pouted.

"Here, let me try, Lui." I paid the guy and tried the game.

What do you know? I won.

"Which one do you want?" asked the man

I looked at Lui, "I want the giant snake!" Lui squeaked.

The man gave Lui a very huge snake that was bigger than him. 

Lui wrapped it around his neck, "Let's go!"

We went up to a booth and got tickets for rides. Lui chose a ride that went upside down and stuck there.

We got in line. Luckily, one row of seats fit only 5 people. We walked into the area and got into a row. The man operating the ride closed us in like a cage. Lui insisted that he sit on the end next to the door. Wildcat was on the other side and I was squished between Nogla and Mini. 

The ride started to go backwards. Mini started freaking out.

"W-Why is it going backwards?" he gripped the pole that was across us. Wildcat laughed. Lui raised his arms in the air and screamed, 'YAY!'. While Nogla and I just sat and watched. After about less than a minute of going back and forth, we stopped upside down. Mini started screaming. I laughed hard. My phone fell out of my pocket and onto the ceiling. Wildcat grabbed it. 

"Need this?" he asked

I grabbed it.

At a very fast pace, we fell back down. 

When the ride was over, Mini ran for the exit. 

"Let's go on that one!" Lui squeaked, pointing to a roller coaster. 

We got in line and gave the man our tickets. Lui chose the seats in front. 

The roller coaster went up and into a tunnel. There were a few small drops but nothing too scary. Until the end. We went up super high we could see the rest of the carnival. We stopped. In this time, Wildcat pulled out his phone and took a selfie with me. Wildcat crossed his eyes and did the duck lips and I held up a peace sign and stuck my tongue out. While doing this, we fell down. A camera took our photos. We went in a circle then the ride stopped. We went to see our pictures. Lui was hugging his snake with the biggest smile on his face, Wildcat and I were still posing for our selfie, Nogla was turned to Mini and was laughing, and Mini's eyes were closed tightly and he had a disgusted look on his face. We all laughed at the picture and printed it out.

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