The Cliff

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(Your P.O.V.)

There was water in my eyes and i couldn't see where I was going. I wiped my eyes and saw a cliff. I raced to it.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I was right behind (Y/N). She was speeding up and I saw it, the edge of a cliff. I panicked and slammed on my breaks. (Y/N) drove off the cliff and I ran over to the edge. (Y/N) jumped off the motorcycle and turned at me, falling. She saluted me and splashed into the water. I stood there in shock. I slowly pulled my phone and called 911. I spoke quietly and and stuttered.

"H-help. H-Help."

"Okay sir, now, where are you?"

I couldn't answer

"Sir? Sir? We are sending help. Hang tight."

I texted Vanoss. Moments later, Vanoss and the ambulance arrived. Vanoss tried to get over to the cliff but him and I were escorted away. I couldn't move, I can't believe what I saw. I watched as they got her body out and brought it into the ambulance truck.

I still stood there, thinking about what I had witnessed. Vanoss dragged me to his car and put me in it. I kept starring at the cliff. A tear rolled down my face. We rushed over to the hospital and ran in. We saw everyone rushing around and (Y/N) being carried on a gurney. Vanoss raced over to the gurney but a bunch security guards had to get him away.

"LET ME GO! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! PLEASE STAY ALIVE! Please..." he screamed across the room while being dragged away.

I still stood there, thinking. "Terrorizer." I whispered to myself and stormed out the door. Vanoss ran after me. "Where are you going?" he asked

"To do some stuff, I promise I wont be long."

I was so mad I ran back to (Y/N)'s house to find Terrorizer. I found him on the porch, on his phone. I ran up to him and smacked his phone out of his hand, little tears rolled down my face.

"Dude! What the fuck are you doing?!" he exclaimed

"(Y/N) HEARD WHAT YOU SAID AND RAN OVER A CLIFF! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" I screamed in his face. More tears rolled down my face.

He sat there, then he covered his face with his hands. I walked away, on my way to the hospital.

A/N: PLOT TWIST! How did you guys like it? What going to happen? Terrorizer? Wildcat? You? Find out later. Thank you guys for the support and I will see you all later. STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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