Let's try this again

637 18 20

(Your P.O.V.)

I look through the gym bag to find something to wear. I'm not going to wear a dress or a skirt of something like that. So I pulled out some skinny jeans, galaxy vans, and a button-up red plaid shirt. I start to get ready. I put my hair up in a pony tail and go downstairs. Wildcat is wearing dress pants, black converse, and a blue button-up. After a while, Vanoss and Lui show up.

"Are you guys ready?" they ask

"Yep." Wildcat and I say
We get into Lui's car and drive up to a bar. My biggest gear at this moment is getting caught. We all are under age for drinking.
Lui gets out and opens my door.
"Thanks." I say
"No problem." Lui says
We go inside. Music is blasting and people are drunk. I go right up to the bar.
"1 bloody Mary please." I ask
We all got drinks and weren't carded for an ID
I chugged drink after drink with Lui. Wildcat and Vanoss had a contest seeing who could drink a whole 2 liter of beer faster.
Drink after drink me and Lui got more and more wasted.
"Your very prrrretty." Slurred Lui
"Thhhhhhanksss. Man, your awesommmme." I slurred
Lui started to talk in a little kid voice, "Annnnothhher round!"
The bartender gave us our drinks and we chugged them. At this point, I had no clue where Vanoss and Wildcat were. Lui started rubbing my thigh. I looked at him. In a flash, we're making out on a table. He stops.
"We should go find the guys" Lui says
"Okay." I agree
I get off the table and help Lui look. We looked everywhere then see a bathroom. We both open the door to find Vanoss and Wildcat passed out on the floor. We look at each other and start laughing. I get Wildcat and Lui gets Vanoss. We drag them to the car and throw them in the back. Lui drives them home. We stop in front of Wildcat's house.
"Thanks Lui." I say
"No problem" he says. He looks down a little and starts to turn real red.
"A-are you ok?" I ask
"Uhh...y-yeah" he stutters
I look down to see I must've spilt something on my shirt and you could see my bra. I looked at Lui. He was bright red. I glance down to see his pants slowly peak into a mountain shape.
"U-uhhh." He stuttered. His face was sweating like crazy.
(Lui's P.O.V)
Oh no. What now? I panic and jump out of the car. I open the back door and pick up Wildcat. I run inside his house and lay him on the couch. (Y/N) comes up behind he and hugs me. She turns me around and kisses me. Then teasingly runs up the stairs. I Chase after her
(Your P.O.V)
I ran into the guest room and jump on the bed. In a quick moment, Lui comes into the room and jumps on top of me. We start kissing.

My life as...me (VanossGaming Crew X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now