The Party.

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(Your P.O.V.)
We drive up to Jake's house and I recognize Vanoss's car. He's here. We get out of the car and go inside. Everyone is going wild. It's only 9:15. I look around to find Vanoss. I see him getting drinks with his group of friends. I look behind me to find Alex but I think she ran off with Jake somewhere. I walk over to Vanoss.
"You're here!" He says
"Okay, now you can meet the rest of us." Said Wildcat
"This is Nogla, Lui, Delirious, Mini, Brock, Basically, and Terriorizer." Said Vanoss
I gave all off them hugs and said, "It's nice to meet you all."
We talk a bit before they all get drunk besides me and Vanoss.
"I'm gonna go look for Alex." I say
"Okay. I'll watch these guys." Said Vanoss
I ran upstairs and looked in all of the rooms. I didn't find them. All of a sudden, I'm pinned up against the wall. I squint my eyes and see that it's Jake.
"I'm not Alex." I say
"I know." He says
He starts running his hand on my side. I try to escape. Then he picks me up and leads me into a room. I squirm and try to make him let go of me. He throws me on the bed and starts tying me to the bed. He put a bandana around my mouth. I hope someone comes and saves me.
(Vanoss's P.O.V)
(Y/N) has been gone for a while. A random girl runs up to us.
"Have you seen (Y/N)?" She asks
"Are you Alex?" Wildcat asks
"(Y/N) went looking for you." I say

We all split up to find her.

(Wildcat's P.O.V)

I ran upstairs to look.

All the rooms are empty. There was one last door at the end of the hallway. I ran to the door. It was locked. I kicked it open. (Y/N) is on the bed, tied up. She was only in her underwear. I could see her boobs. I tried not to get too excited. So I ran to get her out. Jake came into the room. We got into a fight. I punched him in the face, knocking him out cold.
I see (Y/N) shaking. I quickly wrap her in the sheet, grab her clothes and run downstairs. I quickly run outside and look for the car. At first, I couldn't find it. But I eventually found it.
(Your P.O.V)
"Now be a good girl and be quiet" Jake said. He laid on top of me and tried kissing me. I jerked my head in all directions, trying to avoid him.
"Fine, if you're going to be like that." He started to kiss my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked, kissed, and licked it. I groaned angrily.
"Stop and enjoy it." He said, sternly.
He started undressing me. When I was down to only my bra and underwear, he rubbed my boobs over and over again, still sucking on my neck. He took off my bra and rubbed his hands on my boobs. I tried to escape. Jake looked up at me and glared. He started moving his hand down to my crouch. This reminded me of my dad. When he raped me when I was only 13.
"I'll be right back." Jake said. He left the room. I struggled to get out.
I hear someone knocking on the door. I couldn't speak. I was so scared, I was shaking so badly. The door slammed open and Wildcat comes bardging in. His face turns bright red as he looks at me. Jake runs into the room and sees Wildcat. Wildcat immediately punches Jake and knocks him out cold. He runs towards me and lets me out. He grabs my clothes and gives them to me to hold. Wildcat wraps me into the sheet and picks me up. He runs outside and puts me in the back of Vanoss's trunk and jumps in with me.
(Wildcats P.O.V)
(Y/N) is shaking so hard. I hold her tight to try to calm her down. I text Vanoss.
Vanoss: on my way.
A couple minutes later, Vanoss comes running to the car and opens the trunk. He sees (Y/N).
"What happened?!?!" He exclaims and I explain what happened.
"Okay, I'm driving you home." He says
"N-no n-no n-no." (Y/N) stutters
"Hey. Hey. Hey. It's okay, you can come with me." I say
Vanoss drives us to my house. (Y/N) starts to fall asleep

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