I need you to promise to me

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(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I've been back to the same hospital for the same reason so many times. I didn't leave her side. I held her hand and stared at her bloody wrapping around her arm. I cried hard. Every time I cried, I had the guys leave the room. I cried for what felt like forever. I laid right next to (Y/N) and buried myself in her. I cried more feeling her touch. I looked up, she was still passed out. I heard the doctor coming and I jumped out of the bed. He gave (Y/N) a shot and she slowly opened her eyes. I yelled for the guys to come in. They rushed in and saw (Y/N). They stopped mid-step. Lui started crying. I saw tears roll down Vanoss's face. (Y/N)'s arm was leaking. I changed her wrist-band myself. It killed me to see her arm like that. I quickly put new wrapping on and left her. Vanoss sat on the other side and gently rubbed her hand

"How long has she been here?" He asked, looking at (Y/N)

"A couple hours." I said

He sighed

Basically broke the silence, "Boys come with me." he said, bringing the guys outside the room

Vanoss cried lightly then took off his sunglasses and wiped his eyes. He put his glasses back on and kissed (Y/N)'s forehead, little tears rolling down his face. He sat back down and covered his face.

"I miss you (Y/N)." he said, very lighter than a whisper

"Me too." I said with him

The doctor came into the room and told us visiting hours were over. Quickly, the guys busted through the door with all sorts of presents and balloons. They set them down and told (Y/N) goodbye. Delirious gave her a kiss on the lips. He struggled a little because (Y/N) had a tube down her throat.

I got a ride home from Vanoss and Moo.

-The next day-

I couldn't sleep last night and woke up around 12:00 pm. I got dressed and washed my face.

One night when (Y/N) had her casts, we were going to go out and she picked out an outfit for me. It was my white shirt with a purple cat on it that said 'Wildcat' on it, and my zebra-print pants.

I put on that outfit just for her. I ran downstairs and made some breakfast.

All of a sudden, Vanoss came bursting through the door.

"T-TYLER! TYLER!"  he screamed for me

"I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled

Vanoss ran into the kitchen and grabbed my wrist. He at yanked my arm over and over again.

"W-What a-are you doing?" I asked between yanks.

"C'mon!" I made me drop my fork and puled me out to his car. He shoved me inside and drove really fast. He drove to the hospital. Once we got there. Vanoss jumped out of the car and ran over to my side. He pulled me out of the car and into the hospital. He pushed me into (Y/N)'s room. I was more than happy at what I saw.

(Y/N) was sitting up, talking to the guys. I ran over to her and kissed her face so many times. I cried and hugged her tight.

"I-I-I" I stuttered.

"Just kiss her lips already!" Moo said, pushing me into (Y/N), causing me to headbutt her and send her head flying back and laying down.

"Look what you did, you fuck!" Nogla said

"I-I'm okay." (Y/N) said rubbing her head

"C-Can I have a moment with (Y/N)?" I asked

The guys nodded and walked out.

"Listen," I whispered, "I need you to promise me that this will never EVER EVER happen again, please"

"I promise." she cried and gave me a hug

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