Let the spying begin

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(Delirious's P.O.V.)

I couldn't sleep last night. I felt so sorry. She was bleeding! It was my fault! I feel so bad! Tired, I got up and got dressed. I looked at (Y/N). Right below her was a pool of blood. A tear fell down my face and out my mask. I wiped it and sucked up. I grabbed my wallet and went out to my car. I drove normally to the store. I walked in and spotted Passion Flowers, (Y/N)'s favorite. I got some and walked around to look for other things. I saw peanut butter cookies and got those for her, too. I paid for it all and drove home. (Y/N) was still sleeping. I put the stuff on the table and went to the basement to check on Britney. 

(Your P.O.V)

I woke up and everything hurt like a bitch. Especially my crouch. I barely sat up and looked down. There was blood everywhere. I looked like I peed the bed. But with blood. I leaned to the floor and tried to reach my phone. Instead, I toppled over onto the floor. That made everything worse. Weak, I got my phone and called Delirious. 

"Hello?" he asked

"H-Help m-me." I barely said

The phone hung up and all I heard was running up the stairs from the basement. The door flew open and Delirious stood there, staring at me. I held my hand out then it dropped. Delirious picked me up and put me gently on the bed. 

"T-Thanks." I said

"Stay here, I have something for you."

"I'm not going anywhere." I said

Delirious laughed then ran into the kitchen. He came back with Passion Flowers, my favorite, and peanut butter cookies. I love those.

"I'm really sorry." he said

"It's fine." I said, nibbling on a cookie, "It's not like I didn't want it. I loved it. It took a while for me a adjust, but after a while, I loved it." I patted right next to me

Delirious sat down

"How's our bitch?" I asked, giving him half of my cookie

"She's still out." 

Timed perfectly, my phone rang. It was still on the floor. Delirious leaned over me and grabbed it, "It's Vanoss." he said, handing it to me

I answered it and put it on speaker. I looked at Delirirous and put on finger over my lip.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey, (Y/N). I need to ask you a question."

"What is it?"

"Do you know that girl Britney?" 


"Well, we were supposed to study today at my house. But she hasn't called or texted. Do you know were she might be?"

"No, I don't, If i see her I tell her to talk to you." 


"No Problem."




"We need to something about her. I guess we can't kill her." I said

Delirious nodded and got up. We walked to my side of the bed and helped me stand up. I fell onto his chest. He was warm. I didn't want to move, but Delirious help me stand on my own. Moving was a lot harder than standing. I fell multiple time and my crouch refused to feel better. It throbbed and hurt. I slowly got down the stairs and saw Britney. Delirious gave me some pills.

"This will make her forget. We'll clean her up, give her the pills, and drop her off at Vanoss's house." he said

"We should get a Mini Camera from Alex and pin it to her. Then we can see what's going on." 

"I'll call Alex, you clean her up." Delirious said

I gave him a kiss and he went upstairs. 

(Delirious's P.O.V.)

I ran upstairs to get my phone. I didn't have Alex's number so I used (Y/N)'s phone.

"Hey, girly, what's up?" she answered

"It's Delirious."

"Oh, hey Delirious."

"Hey. We need a Mini Camera." 

"On it."


"No problem."




I ran back downstairs and Britney was already clean. (Y/N) was getting the pill in her mouth. When she was done she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around her waist. We had a little make-out session then the door bell rang. 

"I got it." I said

I ran upstairs and opened the door, hoping it was Alex. It was.

"Hey." I said

"Hi. Here you go. I already hooked it up to (Y/N)'s phone. Don't ask how." she said, giving the small camera to me

"Alright. Thanks."

"No problem."

I gave her a hug and she left. I went back downstairs and pinned the camera to Britney's shirt. 

I got her into the car while (Y/N) was trying to get herself into the car. I helped her in, too. I drove slowly to Evan's house and pulled onto the curb I threw Britney Bitch out of the car onto the front step. She stood up just fine. I set her there and knocked. I sprinted to my car and got in. (Y/N) was already on her phone, watching. She set it up on the dashboard and we watched. Evan opened the door. 

"I'm so glad you're okay!" he gave her a hug

I looked at (Y/N), "Let the spying begin."

A/N: Thank you guys again for the 1K views. Sorry for the short chapter! I moved houses and we don't have internet. So I have to write at school. So, thank you guys for all of your support adn I will see you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS

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