Tears to be Shed

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(Your P.O.V )

The next mourning, I woke up to everyone in the ready to leave. Leaving me looking like I'm ready to go back to bed.

"You didn't pack ahead of time?" Asked Lui

"No. Where's Delirious?"

"He still needs to recover. So he'll join us tomorrow. Mom will drive him." Alex said

I nodded, "Hey, Nogla, can you help me with packing? I need to talk to you."

He nodded and followed me upstairs.

(Nogla's P.O.V)

I followed (Y/N) upstairs to her room. We walked in and (Y/N) shut the door behind us. I turned around to her. She looked at me and hugged me tight. She broke into tears. I hugged her back.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It's Delirious! I feel horrible! I feel like someone ate me and then threw me up! I feel disgusting!" She cried

"But he forgave you."

"Well it doesn't feel like it! What I did was awful! You can't just 'forgive' someone for something like that!" Her voice was scared

We sat down on the bed. (Y/N) looked at me, her face drenched in tears. 

I lifted her face, "Listen, I know Delirious. I know how he is. And I know that he forgives you. I just want to know something. What actually happened that day?"

She sniffed, "Well, I was at Delirious' house and we did it. Then I woke up in a padded room. When I was told what happened, I felt disgusting."

She started to make me cry. I tried to man up. (Y/N) dug her face into my chest.

"You really didn't do it, huh?" I asked

She nodded against me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. She hugged back. After a few long minutes, (Y/N) sat up and wiped the remaining tears.

"Do you want to actually help me pack?" she smiled



(Your P.O.V.)

I finished packing and headed downstairs. Everyone was waiting for us.

"I don't know if this makes you feel better, but, Delirious still needs to heal. So mom will bring him to Los Santos tomorrow." Alex smiled nervously at me.

A smiled spread over my face and I started to cry. Alex gave me a hug. All of the guys joined in the hug. Basically joined last.

"Group hug!" He yelled

After a while, we all let go and grabbed our stuff.

"Wait!" I said

"What?" asked Terrorizer

"I think we should say goodbye to Delirious." I said

They nodded

We put our stuff down and made our way to Alex's backyard. We quietly walked into the room. Delirious was sleeping. I quietly woke him up.

"Delirious." I whispered

"What?" he groaned

"We are going on a little trip. We just want to say bye."

"Oh. Bye guys." he said and dozed back to sleep.

We all walked back inside and grabbed our stuff.

"You guys ready?" I asked

"You bet your ass I am." said Evan

We packed up the car and everyone got in. Somehow, Alex's car was big enough to fit everyone. Alex jumped in the drivers seat and I got into the passengers seat. Alex started up the car and we drove off to Los Santos.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter! Every time I save the page, I deleted! So I had only an hour to make a new chapter. Anyways, thank you guys for your support, and I will talk to you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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